August New Moon RitualManifesting New Moon Ritual

 August 14th 2015

Shine the light on your hopes, dreams, and intentions.

Get ready to let your dreams set sail! 

Have you heard the phrase, “Your ship is coming in.”? It goes back to when so many treasures and tangible manifestations were part of the highly anticipated return of a ship filled with worldly treasures.

It’s that time for you call upon the “worldly worth” of your dreams, both internally and externally. Accelerate the law of attraction with the congruency of your dreams that match the place of your internal and external worlds.

If you have been doing the work and eavesdropping in on your life, you must be feeling the call for the necessary changes you desire that are intertwined with your authentic soulful dreams.

Claim the clarity of your manifesting cycle opening up on the upcoming new moon. Set your life’s sails in your destiny’s direction, and watch for your ship to come in. Your manifesting intentions will start synchronizing as you find the sacred ground of your life’s TRUTH.

It’s that time to welcome the power of you, your life in all the prosperous, promising ways that LIFE is ready to bring unto you, full of possibility.

Don’t miss out on this powerful time to bring light to your hopes and dreams that are ready to transform and manifest. Ride on the energy winds - bringing in a powerful catalyst of transforming change.

Now is your time.

Allow your readiness to match all your manifesting intentions that you are ready to claim with clarity.

Ignite the light of your dreams. 
Shine the light of hope.
Give your intentions life.
Shine on ~

August New Moon 2015 Monthly Intention

by Anne Ribley | 10 Minutes


Supporting the Manifesting New Moon Cycle Beginning Now.

Highlights Include:

  • How you can best receive what is now ready to be tangible manifesting results for you.
  • Shifting into your perfect timing of transforming a life area that has been stuck or suffering.
  • Attracting, receiving and manifesting with heart-desired congruency.
  • Letting the catalyst of clarity set sail the treasures this cycle will be bringing for you.
  • How to stand stronger in your “worldly worth”.
  • Finding your natural courage to rise with your truthful life.
  • Difference between sustaining soul stamina vs depleting manufactured life manipulation.


Set Your Sails in the Direction of Your Destiny as Your Ship Is Ready to Come in…

JOIN Me LIVE and align with the Divine at this time!



August Manifesting Teleseminar REPLAY PLUS MEDITATION

by Anne Ribley | 75 Minutes

August Manifesting Teleseminar LIVE Q and A

by Anne Ribley | 25 Minutes


What a great worldwide show up

for the LIVE Teleseminar!

Manifesting with the New Moon

and a Million Lights ON!


Create Your Signature Soul Stamina Plan!

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