December Full Moon TELESEMINAR

Saturday, December 6th

 ~ Last Full Moon of 2014 ~

I will be hosting a FREE Live Teleseminar on how to use this last full moon event to transform what needs to be relinquished from 2014.

 Great time to reflect. Letting go of what needs to be left behind. Don’t bring the past that doesn’t serve you into your future. Allowing you to make space for what is ready to come forward in 2015.

Awareness and prayerfully surrendering with intention using the Miraculous Full Moon Ritual,  you can shift energetic entanglements that turn toxic if not released. The natural synchronizing time of the full moon grounds us to the present where the restorative power of well-being heals, transforms, renews and gives promise to new possibilities.

“Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on. Make sure that you carry no resistance within, no hatred, no negativity. ‘Love your enemies,’ said Jesus, which of course means, have no enemies.” - Eckhart Tolle

Have no enemies… is being at peace in the oneness of life and NOT be at odds with oneself, others and the life that surrounds. 

I do the full moon ritual with my family and it only takes 20-30 minutes and honestly, when I think of all that has transpired with my kids in the past year in what they have let go of and intended for themselves. The intentions and prayers they have chosen with their own self selecting of releasing and manifesting. I am blown away by the miracle of ease and grace they have matured with by doing their own inventories of release and calling forth their own manifesting desires.

I am moved deeply by all of you who have reached out and shared your stories of healing, renewal and transformation that the momentum of the moon rituals offer. I truly know when we align with our own healing and well-being, we get restored and the miraculous nature of life supports us. 

May the magic this time of the year offers, grant you the comfort of peace in your heart and belief to fuel your truest dreams!
Shine on ~

The 7 Simple Steps of the Full Moon

It’s Simple, Yet Magically Transformative:

    1. Create a sacred space with meditational music.
    2. “Write it right” on a piece of paper all you would to relinquish, release for 2014. Reflect on themes patterns and areas of deep self forgiveness. 
    3. This is all the darker aspects of your life that deeply want to be brought to the light. The more specific the better. The areas needing Divine help, healing and renewal as you prepare for 2015.
    4. Set in the fireplace and let the paper burn. (You can use parchment paper for burning, if you live somewhere that burning isn’t easy.)
    5. Announce the words out loud with full intention, I Relinquish! I Release! Be Gone!
    6. Hold space some meditation space, allow your healing to root deeper with stillness. 
    7. Stay open to the miraculous and watch your prayers begin to manifest.


LIVE Full Moon Teleseminar for 2014 REPLAY

by Anne Ribley | 60 Minutes

Next Session NOW accepting registration for 50 spots begins January 2015. 

Super-Charge Your Manifestations for 2015!

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