Truth is reflecting. Transformation is stirring. Mercury retrograde is causing us to revisit and release. Use the simple spiritual practice of the Ritual of Release with the Full Moon, 5 easy steps.

Old cycles are seeking their completion and closure so that a new chapter can open up. What is the new cycle calling you to reach for?

November’s full moon energetic focus is all about releasing those deep, hidden, unseen old wounds and life conditioning patterns that have been gripped in the underground of your unconscious. We are at a powerful life invitation crossroads to new paths. Your long-held grievances, victimizations, hurts, traumas, betrayals, life let-downs or even old conditioned patterns have come for a recent or repeating revisit for their final release.

Use these next few days, with the heightened energy of ritual happening with Thanksgiving?? in the United States and the universal connection of the full moon during a Mercury Retrograde cycle, to create your ritual of release. This is a strong nourishing time. What is being nourished now will be the fruits of nourishment six months from now. Clear everything that would block the nourishment that is essential for your energy field to feel renewed.

Use this power time to reflect on what exactly you are nourishing.
Are you nourishing scarcity? Disconnection? Self-Betrayal?

Or Sovereignty? Deeper Connection? Self-Worth? Self-Love? ♥️ Inspired-Action?

Get into alignment with what is now in its time.

November Full Moon Focus:

1. HEALING WITH A BRAVEHEART: There is a potent power of profound renewal finding its path in all of our lives. Healing is finding the way through our brave hearts as we open up in a whole new way. How you love, think, feel, speak and relate to everything in your life is shifting toward healing into your true brave-hearted nature for a new way. The old is truly on it’s way out, making room for the new.

2. COMPASSION WITH COURAGE: Let tender compassion guide you into your courageous heart to be true to yourself. Forgive past trespasses, traumas, betrayals or the placing of cultural conditioning (family history, society standards and  heavy expectations) and release these energetic weights. Taking sacred time to sit down with the rhythm of ritual to reestablish your courageous life course and direction with compassion and clarity, is essential for your soul to breathe your life energy in synchronized rhythm.

Now is the closing of one long cycle that has put everyone through tremendous soul stretching and growth to open a whole new cycle. Don’t resist or push against all the deep powerful change that has been taking you naturally on a journey to a new creation and cycle. Grab your sacred moments of connection, and communicate with your deep down truth. Tell yourself what is ready to speak up and live through you. You can “write it right” with pen  to paper, antenna to God. Release and reach out with the Miraculous Full Moon Ritual.

Light your path. The energy is hot and on fire right now. Use the heat you have felt to ignite your path and propel you into the new conflict-free chapters ahead on your journey.

Shine on ~

November Full Moon 2018 Intention

by Anne Ribley | 20 Minutes

Worthiness is at the very heart of life.

Restore the connection to your inherent worthiness and experience your profound shift into sufficiency.  Let no barrier block you from claiming your divine birthright to be worthy.

Get the collection now offer aligning prompts of release that can be used during the Full Moon.

With this collection, you can start with these simple practices of remembering what is already there for you and watch the miracle of your life to thrive in a new way as you stand with the posture of your divine birthright to flourish with your natural worthiness.

Worthiness is at the very heart of life.

Restore the connection to your inherent worthiness and experience your profound shift into sufficiency.  Let no barrier block you from claiming your divine birthright to be worthy.

Get the collection now and use the journal prompts for the moon ritual. 

With this collection, you can start with these simple practices of remembering what is already there for you and watch the miracle of your life to thrive in a new way as you stand with the posture of your divine birthright to flourish with your natural worthiness.