We are closing the month with a BLUE FULL MOON offering a time for miraculous healing and transformation. Create your own ritual of release and renewal during this boosting blue full moon. 5 easy steps of the Full Moon Ritual here.
October was a double full moon. Opening and closing with a full moon in mercury retrograde with the strongest Super New Moon in between the two. Everything with how we relate to life is changing in a significant way.
Use this unique boosting time of the rare blue full moon to create a powerful ritual to declare what’s clearing and completing for you.
October Blue Full Moon Focus:
1. COMPLETIONS & CLEARING. Clear the energy hold and emotions for what has been completing. Let it go. Allow the closure to clear.
What’s the story you are leaving behind?
And the new story you are going into?
2. COMMITMENT CENTERED CHANGE. We are centering a big change around the way we relate, with each other, ourselves, our behaviors, power structures, finances and all that relates to the outer world connections needing new commitments.
A new paradigm is arising in the relationship in every life area.
What are you clearing of the old for changes centered on new commitments?
This relationship change holds the power of something you truly are ready to commit toward for yourself, each other and the world.
What life area(s) is asking the biggest commitment centered change for you?
3. TURNING TOWARD. With new commitments we are taking a turn toward an expanded envisioned future as we offer the old toxic ways to complete with closure. Miraculous impact for whatever has been heavy, hard, hurting and long held is here for you to cross the threshold toward the needed change you seek.
Something miraculous is here for you.
Shine on in your fullness of being ~
Light and free…

Moon Support Power Meditations

This is a powerful time give yourself freedom in forgiveness. Close the chapter in area that needs to be released for the freedom that needs to open up space for what is ready to come through next for you.