As Mercury Retrograde is over with a new cycle and season here.
What is the miraculous transforming shift ready for you? 5 easy steps to the Miraculous Full Moon Ritual here.
The rapidly shifting world can be overwhelming on many levels, individually and collectively. Don’t let your heart and soul get buried in the chaos and noise. Take time to honor the needed shift ready for you. What is the cycle/season you need to claim?
With Mercury going direct and the light of the full moon calling us into alignment, claim your cycle or season change. What’s the timeline ready to be transformed for you? What is calling you into a transformative shift?
October Full Moon Focus:
1. FEELING - HEALING. What are real truthful feelings that need to be embraced, honored and held for healing? No more denying, avoiding, or keeping hidden. Use the power of ritual on the full moon to honor your feelings. Healing is here. Time to honor what you are feeling. Bringing it to light will guide a powerful release for healing.
2. CLAIMING & TRANSFORMING. What needs to align for you?. Name and claim what has reached its’ necessary and needed time to transform. Welcome the season/cycle change for the shift.
3. MARKING CYCLE/SEASON SHIFT. What’s your season shift? What is in its time to transform with a clear shift? Nature is symbolizing the change of a cycle/season change in many areas. What is it for you?
Write it right. Pen to paper. (antenna to God/Source/Life). Create your ritual of release and let the fullness of your light shine the way for the new season and cycle you are ready to claim.
It’s time for a story to end. And let a new story begin.
Shine the light on your path for truth to guide your way.
Honor your feelings and healing here.
Embrace the new season here for you.
Shine on ~

Empowering Abundance Meditation

by Anne Ribley | 15 Minutes

In a climate of immense change and many forces contributing as catalysts of uncertainty. It can be easy to feel unstable or uncertain about what the future holds for you, your family, or the world in general.
There is a place of pure power — pure love — pure possibility — the all-encompassing connection of truth that lives as our inner “knowingness”. In this connection, doubts dissolve, fuzziness fades and clarity asserts.
We don’t have to try for this place of knowingness or even think our way into this connection. It is ours — always! It’s how we experience love. It’s how we say YES even when we are unsure and filled with fear.
Amazing energy will move us forward simply by repeating the mantra… I connect with CERTAINTY!
I personally have found tremendous confidence to expand with this mantra. Even amidst uncertain times, there is the thread of life’s holding and carrier that contains certainty. It’s another way to behold faith. May this mantra hold the magic of confidence and certainty for you too!
Use these 4 simple words to invite in your power connection that’s right here in the NOW for you.