~ Manifesting Black New Moon ~

Sept 30th - Oct 1st.

You can ride the natural momentum of supportive energy by claiming and naming your manifesting wishes, hopes and dreams. 

A black new moon! Same as a blue moon is two full moons within one month. A black moon is two new moons in the same month. September began with a new moon and now closes out with a new moon. 

A rush of new energy is here for you. What a way to close out the month of September… and begin October with the fresh renewal energy ready to be supportive of you! 

This black new moon is especially welcome since we are coming off many months of intense stretching and growing in the relationship arenas of our lives. The full throttle of energy growth may have felt like parts of your life are turning upside down and shaking loose to find new balance and order, not just once but a few times.

Great news; energy relief is here! This black new moon will be bringing supportive energy expansion for you. It’s the GREAT mystery of dream keepers. Take time to breathe in and out your new emerging energy intentions. Use this clearing of new energy to super-charge your intentions that you are ready to create, NOW.

What is the new cycle for your soul’s deepest desire of truth expansion? Manifesting momentum will now pick up speed with the intensity of the lunar energy eclipse season and mercury retrograde behind us. Finally, we have a bit of reprieve that will enable us to receive what we really want next.

Take time to get clear on your manifesting intentions. 

1. Current New Moon Cycle Brings New Order — Big Time! 

Name it & Claim it. Call in your new order of dreams by getting still. Next, begin to name it and claim it to your manifesting intentions that you desire right now in the most truthful knowing you have.

2. Clarity Creates Certainty. 

Certainty connects you to the “knowing inside” ready to be awakened and brought alive with manifesting intentions. Connect to that core place that holds your certainty.

3. Supportive Energy of Expansion.

Time to get intentional and tap into the universal surge of support you have been longing for in a new area that has felt outside of your reach. Ride the wave of support ready to assist you.

It’s time to name it and claim it because the surge of super-charged energy expansion is here for you. Write it right (pen to paper — antenna to God/Source) with the sacred act of intention, and bring to the light that which is ready to emerge and transform your life. 
You are worthy of your dreams.
You are worthy to shine in your life.
You are worthy to have your heart smile.
Shine On-


September 2016 Black New Moon Intention Audio

by Anne Ribley | 15 Minutes