Authenticity in Action! Exquisite YOU!

Authenticity in Action! Exquisite YOU!

ticity in Action” Let your unfolding be… graceful, natural and exquisitely YOU!

I wanted to post something last night about being “authentic” I wrestled with the words. I didn’t want it to sound cliche about a phrase that is thrown around a lot. I wanted to find the right way to express the magic power authenticity carries if we have the courage to be authentic in the most simplest ways.

I deleted the words from the FB status and copied them into the notes on my phone to save for later. Then this morning my mom called.

She began telling me a story about her travels over the past weekend. She was at a professional convention with my dad which included success motivation topics. During a presentation my mom saw a woman who appeared very sad, a few rows over. Her face was red and she looked like she had been crying. My mom said she couldn’t stop thinking of this womAuthenticity in Actionan while listening to the presentation. She said there was an energetic pull, almost like a magnetic draw she couldn’t stop toward the woman.