Receive Your Worthiness Mantra

Receive Your Worthiness Mantra

I am here, worthy to receive and share. I weave and breathe worthiness into my day.

Use this mighty mantra to ground to your now with powerful presence… “I am here” (not some place else, or in a different time with the past or future) then infuse miraculous impact by declaring the worthiness you are ready to receive and share. Allow your personal worldly worthiness to expand your way for the day and week!

Repeating and weaving this mantra during the week, removes resistance and gives immediate energy expansion. Bloom in all your worthiness.

You are WORTHY of the BEST!

Dear Sweet Child – Do you know who you are? You were created in all the worthiness of the highest LOVE. Only the best for you. You were created in your own unique perfection. Yes, perfection. There is a life waiting… your discovery. There is love waiting… your discovery. Keep following your highest light, it is your North Star. Always, remember how worthy you are!