In the heart of ALL healing… I am transformed.

All our healing and transforming good is always available, instantly in every moment, we are never excluded from it.

There is an innermost heart, connection, magnanimous Source of power that resides within every possibility, situation, encounter or necessary change that we can access for an immediate transformation.

You can access the transforming energy of the healing you need now because it resides right within reach at the heart of ALL healing.

Place your hand over your heart & repeat {{In the heart of ALL healing… I am transformed}}

Any situation that you encounter today or this week that has weight or heaviness around it, repeat the mantra and allow yourself to held in the heart of ALL healing where transformation lives.

You are not outside of it. You are not alone or estranged from it. You are always connected to the heart of ALL healing. Allow it to transform what is ready to be free in you, around you and with you.

Heart of Healing Mantra

by Anne Ribley | 11 Minutes

7 Easy Steps to Manifesting New Moon Ritual

Wonderful POWER Enhancements for Instant Connection!

Into Your Presence

by Anne Ribley | 3 Minute Meditation

Into Your Presence FINAL Cover HD

Open the Treasure Chest

by Anne Ribley | Heart-Centered Meditation

Final Cover Heart Center LR
