A Story of Some of America’s Favorite-Baseball & Ice Cream!

by | Apr 20, 2011 | About Anne

A Story of Some of America’s Favorites - Baseball & Ice Cream!

Life is good. I am happy and having fun. Last night, CJ had a baseball game. He was opening pitcher, played first base and short stop. He did so many amazing things it’s too much to list…made two double plays: he caught a line drive up the first baseline, tagged 1st base runner out, hit solid double into the outfield; and the list of feats goes on and on. He played so outstanding. It was pure excitement the whole game.

Jack calls me in the middle of the baseball game and tells me… He has an emergency situation. He thinks something might be wrong with him physically. While he is saying this my boy is pitching, there was crowd noise because of the game’s full on action. I can barely hear Jack, his call is cutting in and out. I ask him, “Are you serious? Is something wrong?” He says, “Yes!” Now, my insides start to get that weird shaky feeling when something is wrong.

I ask Jack again about what is going on…. he says, “I could go into convulsion at any time if I don’t get ice cream soon!”

After I let out a big sigh and good laugh, I tell Jack: “You scared the crap out of me. I’m in the middle of this exciting game, my son is pitching. I thought you had a serious problem! I’ve got to go!!!” As we hang up, he still says one more time…this is an emergency, I need some ice cream very soon.

For those who know Jack…he loves ice cream as much as LIFE itself.

Jack keeps me smiling and laughing. Enjoying the journey…

Problem solved …. we all went out for ice cream after the game to celebrate!

I am happy. Life is good.

Warmest Happy Smiles to All,
