Start Here – Take ME as I am

by | Mar 13, 2011 | About Anne

When Mary J. Blige performed this song on Oprah sometime in 2006, I was in the middle of major course correction in my life. In my career, in my friendships, in my marriage and every aspect of my life, I desired so deeply in my heart to have my life reflect the love and truth I knew each and every one of us are meant to live.

I had this performance on my TIVO box and I would watch it over and over again to stay true to this  re-direction in my life. I deeply embraced Mary J Blige’s performance into my heart like a calling of truth directed specifically to me. I let her energy penetrate every cell in me that knew this was my call home to myself. The deeper part of me knew a more loving and truthful life was waiting my arrival if I just kept walking in that direction step by step.

I had so much change that took place over the next few years that followed. Change in career, change in friendships, a change in an eighteen year marriage, I had to be willing to let so much of the old energetic circles dissolve that couldn’t take me as the truth of who I am.

I embraced all the change, knowing that if I stayed in the love and truth of who I am, I would make it ‘home’ again.

I got there….I found such deep love and peace in my heart that it didn’t matter how alone I was or how little money I had. I knew my life was going to re-format itself in love, protection and safety around this authentic place. I knew my most important task was to stay out of fear and live in love and truth.

Even if this meant living my life at a time with no real evidence of how it was going to be okay.  I had my hope and a knowing that a powerful positive change was happening for me and my boys if we just kept walking forward step by step.

Now, I am humbled to the deepest softest part of my being with so much gratitude for the gifts that come into my life by staying true to love.

I re-built my life piece by piece with PEACE…

I invite every human being out there who is trying to find their way home to love.

Love for their life.

Love in their life.

Love with the “I am”

…we were all born to live….

Love has come to your home

Find your way home to the truest expression of your self, and love will come to your home.

I am astonished by the love I have in my life….for my life… with my life…. When it came to finding a loving relationship in my life. I worked on re-building my insides and turned over those details to the Loving Universal Presence of life to handle. Whenever I would think of having a new relationship again, I would tell myself….Love will come to your home.

Guess what?

Pieces of my life fell into place as I went deeper into peace inside. My financial life has stabilized through my own means with multiple streams of income. I now have the most loving soulmate partner, Jack Voorheis. When he arrived here in California, he brought me flowers and a note…that love has come to my home.

Love will come to everyone’s home….it begins with giving it to yourself first.

Watch Mary J. Blige’s video and follow the invitation to get into your power!

Love & Smiles,
