Start Here – Take ME as I am

When Mary J. Blige performed this song on Oprah sometime in 2006, I was in the middle of major course correction in my life. In my career, in my friendships, in my marriage and every aspect of my life, I desired so deeply in my heart to have my life reflect the love and truth I knew each and every one of us are meant to live. I had this performance on my TIVO box and I would watch it over and over again to stay true to this  re-direction in my life. I deeply embraced Mary J Blige’s performance into my heart like a calling of truth directed specifically to me. I let her energy penetrate every cell in me that knew this was my call home to myself. The deeper part of me knew a more loving and truthful life was waiting my arrival if I just kept walking in that direction step by step. I had so much change that took place over the next few years that followed. Change in career, change in friendships, a change in an eighteen year marriage, I had to be willing to let so much of the old energetic circles dissolve that couldn’t take me as the truth of who I am. I embraced all the change, knowing that if I stayed in the love and truth of who I am, I would make it ‘home’ again. I got there….I found such deep love and peace in my heart that it didn’t matter how alone I was or how little money I had. I knew my life was going to...

Ready for the Life You Deserve?

The Life You Deserve There is a spiritual code within your soul no different than the DNA code that determined your body. There is a very specific spiritual code that contains all the instructions direction from God or the Divine just for you. It is the natural activation of your own very own special interests, gifts and passions. Making the connection with your own Divine gifts, strengthening that connection and living from that source is what creates your own true legacy. A Divine Legacy that belongs just to you and your life. Definition of Divine: emanating from God Definition of Legacy: bequest (law) a gift of personal property by will. Bestowed deep within your heart is a Divine Legacy, that is the life meant just for you. It is the life where you truly connect to your Greatness. It is a place where you harness your personal gifts and walk on the path of fulfillment that is unique to you. This direct path can lead to a life that will exceed your wildest dreams. To begin to live, to reveal or to uncover your Divine Legacy you will need to clear the “debris” and “stuff” from your life that takes you away from your true path or real authentic Greatness. You may need to wash away the “debris” or “stuff” which may have built itself slowly over time causing the direction of truth to be unrecognizable to you or hard to discern at times. The trap most of humanity falls into today is living someone’s legacy that has been accumulated along the way, slowly and subtly. Wherever your life...