Extraordinary Relationship Rapport

Love, love, love the topic we explored on Empower11 Radio this week… Relationships! So much of our life happiness gets determined by the quality of our relationships.
Join the conversation as we explore. We get “up close and personal” with the topic. We discuss how to get into powerful rapport and connection with the relationships that truly matter for our life’s well-being.

I am in LOVE!

I’m in love with the sweet new babies being born! I am in love with my soul sister friends!
I am in love with the simple funny ways my boys make me laugh! I am in love with the beautiful magnificent earth we get to enjoy!
I am in love — with an incredible man who makes my heart smile and that my face seems to follow!
I am in love with the possibilities every new day gives me!

Touched By Love

Today, I discovered a post my twelve year old put on the internet that I never knew about. How does that happen? I am an in touch mom. My boys have very closely monitored electronic lives.

Are You Worthy to Receive?

Are You Worthy to Receive?

How good are you at receiving? It’s an important, reflective question because it is equally tied into your ability to achieve all that you desire…. to receive. Sharing the re-broadcast from my Empower11 radio show for those who want to go deeper into the conversation of receptivity. [spreaker episode_id=1054680 type=standard width=100% color=0068c9...

Love Is Good For The Soul – Love Life – Soulmate Love

I am sharing on this special day of LOVE, my special journey to soulmate love. The reflection of these words came after my first get away with Jack in the Dominican Republic. I am overjoyed that our life has only revealed more of the miracle of love. Empower 11 Love is currently in design. Be sure to stay connected with our happenings by going to www.empower11.com and to sign in. Luv&Smiles Happy Love Day!...