In the Arms of Love…

This is such a beautiful video of Bono and how he tenderly hugs a woman while singing the song “With or Without You”. It is no wonder has over 31 million views because he exudes LOVE! Women should be safer in this world because we have men! Women give away a parts of their bodies for a child. Women give away their young prime time raising that child or children. Women give away the best parts of themselves with an unselfish manner to make the life of tomorrow… full of hope… promise… so the children of today to be the world of tomorrow. At the end of the day, when a woman can be wrapped into the arms of a man who knows how to be a tender, safe harbour for her, it is powerful beyond measure. I remember when I took my first trip to the Dominican Republic with Jack. One night, he wrapped me tenderly in his arms and told me I was safe and not alone anymore. I wasn’t alone to pick myself up when I was down. I wasn’t alone with all my decisions. I wasn’t alone with raising my boys. I wasn’t alone without a partner beside me. I laid there with my head on his chest as tears streamed down my face as a deep healing came over me. There are touches of tenderness a man can bring to a woman’s life that will forever echo in her heart. These echoes of tender love get passed on as healing acts of love to the world by the nurturing energy woman gives in the form...

End the Chase ~ Live the Life!

It is the idea of something that can cause so much suffering. It’s the endless chase of trying to capture that idea, and once we get it, the aching feeling of what was missing or needed will have healed or completed itself within us. Once we move into the experience of what we want, right here and now, the suffering caused from the chase begins to re-orientate into healing of our truth and of ‘what is’ into a healthy perspective. This puts us inside our lives which is our power position to manifest quickly and rapidly from our own personal karmic laws of attraction. The outside chase in even the simplest form (an idea) will never give it’s creative payoff in a lasting way until it is truly integrated as the experience of that idea. It’s the idea of ‘prefect love’ that causes so much suffering. It’s the idea of this person whom we are either in relationship with or desire to be with that can get us into so much hurt and suffering. Our real experience with chasing an idea is all about the attachment of thoughts of the mind which become futile and worthless in attaining our outer ‘piece’ of the world or inner ‘peace’ within. To truly transform a relationship, either one we are in or desire to be in, a shift toward the heart of who we are as a love experience is the way to find our match. It’s the idea of being rich that causes more lack and suffering. It’s the chase. When we move into the experience of being rich wherever we...

You are WORTHY of the BEST!

Dear Sweet Child – Do you know who you are? You were created in all the worthiness of the highest LOVE. Only the best for you. You were created in your own unique perfection. Yes, perfection. There is a life waiting… your discovery. There is love waiting… your discovery. Keep following your highest light, it is your North Star. Always, remember how worthy you are!

Somewhere in Time – Dreams Come Alive

What a symbol of dreams coming to life. Recently, I spent time on Mackinac Island, Michigan where the movie, “Somewhere in Time” was filmed. I am moved beyond…. All the dreams that are really true to our hearts can come to life. Stephen Simon was the man possible for getting the movie “Somewhere in Time” produced.  He also brought together the Spiritual Cinema Circle Cruise Film Festival, which I attended. It was on this film festival cruise that I made a friendship connection.  I also made the connection that ultimately led to more connections, and years later to an amazing love story of my heart’s dreams come to life with Jack Voorheis. I am moved beyond… to the real magic that exist each and every moment to energize our heart’s deepest dreams that are alive and real, somewhere in time. These dreams will find their way to come alive if you just keep remembering the truth of your heart. Let yourself be pulled to your dreams. Somewhere in Time….Your Dreams are Alive!        ...

311 – Love – Today Has Big Impact – Empower 11

Today is 311 and the energy is moving. There is a lot of power circulating today. Hold your thoughts, actions, interactions and feelings in the high vibration of LOVE. It is evident with the shifting of the earth and the earthquake that happened in Japan early today. I am sending my love and prayers to all those affected. It is not a coincidence the iPad2 was released on 311. Apple is full of smart people. The iPad2 was released today because the day holds a lot of power of high impact. The power of 11 is beyond the symbol of 1 + 1 = 2. The power of 11 is the capacity for one energy plus another energy to come together and exponentially gain powerful momentum of 11. I am currently working with my love partner, Jack Voorheis on an EMPOWER11 project that is scheduled to launch on 5-11-11. In the meantime, I am sharing the LOVE SONG by 311 and a personal video clip Jack surprised me with as a keepsake of our first intimate couple vacation together in Dominican Republic. He warms from the inside-out with his LOVE. All my circles of friends and family consistently say how happy my face reflects with Jack in my life. This tells me the truth of what I feel with him is really being reflected from the inside-out. The words to this song brought me to happy tears when he played the video for me the first time. I remember both my boys looking at me, asking, “Mom, why are you crying?” I told them because I am happy. Crying is...

Declare Today with Extraordinary Moments…Tomorrow and the Next and On and On…

What if we could live our ordinary days with the extra “love” that is focused so much on Valentine’s Day? Don’t get me wrong; I love the idea of Valentine’s Day. I love the idea of happy love moments, sweet treats, flowers, love songs, candles, secret displays of admiration and beauty. Something “extra” is what we bring to those designated days of theme celebration to make them special. Our soul yearns for the extraordinary… We were born to feel inspired. Hang out with a small child for a day and watch their wonder and captivation with life continuously unfold. Children are easily inspired with what seems so ordinary. It’s the numbing effects of everyday life that makes life seem so ordinary. How inspiring is your life? As adults life can become filled with so much destruction in search for the “extra” because our desire to feel inspired gets misguided into drama, gossip, alcohol, drugs, numbing out behaviors and many other maladies for the momentarily temporary transient quick fix. What if we gave our day the gift of spontaneous surprises of something “extra”? How rich would our days begin to feel with inspiring moments? We may find, feel and experience the extraordinary moments our soul is so hungry to thrive in.  If we bring that “extra” something to our day; instead of waiting for something on the outside to fuel it for us, we will find that magic doorway to fall in love with a wondrous life for today….and the next and the next…. Love life with a little “extra” today… Give a child an “extra” hug  today… Give someone an “extra” kiss today…...