Be Patient With Me…

Be patient with me… Everyone is on the same roller coaster, we all just have different seats. ~ Original C.Jay Quote ~

My Feline Friday Share & the Full Moon Ritual

My Feline Friday Share & the Full Moon Ritual

I have lived with several Zen masters — all of them cats. Eckhart Tolle For all my feline fans out there. Couldn’t resist this quote! I was seriously born loving cats of all kinds, big and small.Here is a story my mom and I will always laugh and talk about for the rest of our lives

Reflections on Moon Beams & Heart Smiles

I want to share what you have meant to me. I want to thank you. I want to thank everyone of you. Truly from my heart to yours! Thank you. I spent the past several days working long hours putting together the reminders, the emails and so much of the behind the scene elements for the upcoming full moon content and teleseminars. A lot of outpouring I had been doing for several days, non-stop. It was around midnight, Saturday night and the super moon was shining so bright and magnificent through the glass sliding doors in my office. I sat on the floor silently soaking in radiant moon light. It was only a simple act of  looking up at the moon and a simple smile that stirred something deep in me.  My smile felt different. My smile felt deeply soulful, sweet and sincere. In that moment something came full circle for me. Since I have started sharing the spiritual practice of the Moon Rituals, all of you you have immediately embraced me. Thanked me. Encouraged me. Inspired me. Shared your stories with me in ways I know and ways only my heart does. I get blown away by the beauty of all of you. The worldwide embrace of 50+ countries. The honest humility of each of you, your dreams and intentions. It all came full circle to me as… I recalled something I wrote eight years ago.  Here is the verbatim excerpt from 2006: While I lived in a beautiful home, with the most incredible property, that to the outside world appeared to be a picture perfect life, there had...

Gift Giver – What’s Your Gift? It’s Your Purpose to Know!

I felt the energy expand as I was packaging this special gift for a little girl. I knew it was going to bring her so much joy. The joy was actually welling up in me in anticipation. It occurred to me that we all are gift givers, literally every second of our lives. Every thought, every action, every interaction and even every frown or smile are gifts that echo energy out into the world. All we have to do is look at when a child is born, and we immediately feel the gift of their presence. Every human being is a pulse of life that is naturally and constantly outpouring the gifts of life energy. The big question is… What’s your gift that you are giving the world this very second? Is your mind hostile ground? Are you constantly tearing yourself and others down? Are angry or antagonistic words your gift to others? What’s amazing with the mirroring of gift giving is that I felt the joy expanding in me for this little girl’s gift. Angry exchanges work the same way joyful exchanges work. When someone gives you their gift of anger and if you receive that gift, you will actually feel anger and its similar companion of unhappiness, expand inside you. And hence, we have the recycling of the same anger energy. What can be liberating is to take full responsibility for the kind of people we want to be in our lives. We are the chooser of the gifts we are giving to the world. Thoughts of hope, thoughts of love, and thoughts of understanding begin with...

How to Feel Good!

This week’s Empower11 Radio Show… love love love the topic of feeling good! It’s such a simple topic with profound possibilities to transform into feeling good instantly. Listen in as I share how this simple mantra, “I want to feel good” has been highly transforming and healing for me. Feeling good is our natural state of being. It is a place of experiencing God energy. You can choose it. You have the ability to experience it right now and feel great! When we quiet the noise, get still and stay in today, it is right there. Experience today as a living meditation in your good vibrational state of being. “The heart longs to feel good! Today, abandon something doesn’t make you feel good. Let it go. Move in closer to feeling good. Feeling God. The Universal Loving Presence that beats the heart of YOU!” -Anne...