Shine on Bedazzling One!

For even the sun can triumph water — the intensity of light can evaporate one of the most powerful elements on earth.

You too are truly a beam of light taking temporary housing in your body.

Remember, your origin of light to heal, to love, to rise up and SHINE!

Miraculously… distressing situations can evaporate, dreams can nourish and flourish and your heart can be light and bright!

SHINE on BeDazzling One!

I am in LOVE!

I’m in love with the sweet new babies being born! I am in love with my soul sister friends!
I am in love with the simple funny ways my boys make me laugh! I am in love with the beautiful magnificent earth we get to enjoy!
I am in love — with an incredible man who makes my heart smile and that my face seems to follow!
I am in love with the possibilities every new day gives me!

Harvest the Power of the Full Moon!

Harvest the power of your dreams. Today is the harvest full moon. The ritual of “Manifesting with Moon Rituals” has been a powerful and intentional way that I have been able to make profound changes in my life with immense impact and you can too! Rituals have a powerful way of trapping energy into compressed intention for active prayer to be channeled, for release and surrender.