It’s Time…Leave It Behind…Create a Miracle!

“As the light shines, the darkness dissipates… such a simple, yet powerful phenomenon.” - Anne Ribley The full moon is today, July 3rd. Have you noticed recently… situations or feelings coming up calling for your attention and healing? We can gain access to the powerful phenomenon to RELINQUISH aspects of our lives that we want to ‘be gone’ during times of the Full Moon. The Full Moon represents the time where all those aspects of what seems heavy and dark in our lives can be lifted with illumination. I have personally experienced so many miraculous changes by faithfully honoring this natural cycle in my life each month. The moon cycles have so much power ~ that is why the farmers alamanac gives the charts to the moon cycles ~ because of it’s impact on growth. It is so powerful and easy to tap into the miraculous synchronization to manifest change. Here is how: Write down on a piece of paper everything and anything that you would like to have “Be Gone” and toss into a fire and speak the words. “I Relinquish. Be Gone.” Speak the words out loud in full authority and watch the power of healing begin. This month, I wrote down 33 feelings or situations that I wanted to leave behind on this FULL MOON. I am lighter from the power of illumination this ritual brings. Give yourself the powerful change to “leave it behind” and create a miracle of change! Smiles, Anne “Words do two major things: They provide food for the mind and create light for understanding and awareness.” - Jim Rohn “Truth will...

The Way to the Miraculous With ONE Act!

Do more than think like God. Be like God. Feel like God. The Source. The Divine.

What do I mean?

When we expand our inner worlds beyond just our minds, we tap into the miraculous nature of life.

Our minds are tools of invention. Our minds are magnificent grounds of keepers of the past, directors of the now and pioneers of the future. Yet, with all potentiality of the mind’s capacity, it is still only a limited tool of power because the real generator of power is the “who” of the who we are is beyond the mind.

The miraculous nature of life constantly lives in a state of renewal. The very basic premise of life and nature is always an attempt to renew, repair, expand, evolve and thrive with life.

Are You Worthy to Receive?

Are You Worthy to Receive?

How good are you at receiving? It’s an important, reflective question because it is equally tied into your ability to achieve all that you desire…. to receive. Sharing the re-broadcast from my Empower11 radio show for those who want to go deeper into the conversation of receptivity. [spreaker episode_id=1054680 type=standard width=100% color=0068c9...

In Memory of Those Who Gave It All, For Us!

It’s called team humanity. Everyone. All of us. Brothers and sisters. May we win at this game of life by being true to the greatest gift we have… FREEDOM. Those who gave it all — for us today. May we give honor to you — the one who gave those extra inches and seconds for me today –- in the name of freedom. May we give honor to you — who went all in on life with the highest ideal in mind… Freedom is a Divine Right. May we give honor by living our greatest life with this freedom. May we give honor to uniting in our humanity knowing we are on the same team. May we make good with this gift — today, tomorrow and the next… For you, me, them, all of us. Such an inspiring video clip of Al Pacino from Any Given Sunday that gives such a feeling of gratitude for those who gave it all — for us today. We can do the same with this freedom — give it all — Grab those extra inches and seconds and LIVE! Live our best life with this freedom to be our best! In Gratitude for Those Who Gave it ALL,...

Today is the New Moon – Ask for the Miraculous…

Today is the New Moon… A time to ask for what you want to bring about both inside and out in your life. Synchronizing with the natural cycles is a powerful phenomenon to access miraculous changes, results and manifestations. There was a time in my life where there was so much change I wanted that it felt way outside of me. However, I empowered myself and the miraculous did happen… day by day, through time. Some events and situations presented themselves immediately and others in their own perfect time, and it’s because I have stayed with this New Moon Ritual consistently. Every month on the day of the New Moon, I would write down all I want to bring in, become and be in my life. I truly feel if we take the time we can WRITE our lives RIGHT. Writing it down is so powerful it is almost as if we are extending our antenna to tune into God, the Creator, the Source, the Universal Loving Presence that is the Supreme Law for the acceleration of change. I write my list of what I want to ‘Become and Be’, I light a tealight or prayer candle and speak the words out loud, ‘Become’ and I feel the impact is always profound. The testimonials I have heard for others I have shared this through the years has been miraculous too! I mean truly miraculous! I am also posting for convenience my most recent radio show for Empower11 ~ the conversation topic was about the importance of being willing to ASK…. The asking wholeheartedly sets into motion latent forces and...