Three Wishes – The Power to Manifest!

THREE WISHES – The Power to Manifest BIG!

Children are so in tune to see the magic of the smallest details that surround our lives with wonder and marvel. My eleven year old, pointed out to me this morning a perfect row of dandelions off our patio. I remember as a small girl how much I loved them. They were wish flowers to me, not weeds. I loved making wishes and watching the seeds like parachutes blow out into the wind.

How Fit Do You Want to Be?

Everyday I wake up and aspire to be in good shape and fit for my life.

It doesn’t matter if I was run over by a lawn mower when I was two years old.

It doesn’t matter if I have experienced divorce. It doesn’t matter if I went through financial chaos. It doesn’t matter if I felt hurt by betrayal.

I wake up and ask to be a channel of my highest well-being. To be an expression of the Universal Loving Presence that pervades all of LIFE.

It Happened!!!!

In January of 2010, I wrote a list of visions that I wanted to bring forth in my life. Being a host on a radio show was one of my vision wishes. What followed that year, by being clear with what I wanted to manifest, was truly life changing. I connected with my soulmate and partner, Jack Voorheis, as the Divine pieces of my life came together for life’s bigger vision for me. On 4-11 this year, two days before my birthday. I experienced and received the best birthday gift. Empower11 Radio show launched and I am beyond thrilled to share it. [spreaker episode_id=899350 type=mini width=100% color=0068c9...

What’s Your Art of Living?

I care about art.

I care about the real art, we are making with ourselves as human beings.

The art of our soul expression that represents our life form. The art that represents the human being we are — to ourselves and others.

Intentional Dreaming with Open Eyes!

“The night belongs to dreams and the day belongs to living the them. The space in between is always ours to keep…” - Anne Ribley I wrote these words the day of Steve Jobs’ passing. A truly beloved visionary of our time, we got to not only witness but experience, as our own the dreams, the ones he breathed to life. There is that space of magic in between the creating and living of dreams. Each of us have it. It is that private, sacred ground, where dreams take on their magical form and are brought to life. This magical transformative power is always there… inside our own stillness sanctuary. Go there… if only for a few minutes. Go there, with all your intentions, to the center of your calmest place inside and feel the magic of life rise! Happy to meet you - along the inspiration trails! Luv&Smiles...