Last Night I Had a Dream

Last night I had a dream, I was sitting beside the fireplace with this most attractive, bedazzling man.  I was becoming awestruck in his presence. Mesmerized! He was sharing brilliant pieces of his mind and bringing me into an inspiring creative process with him. His whole persona radiated the cozy, comforting feeling of the warmth like the fire, beside us. He took off my shoes to relax and share with him in the space being created. Time became more timeless, as it turned into a couple of hours, in those moments. Next thing I know, the clock struck midnight, unlike Cinderella though, the dream still continued. I ended up in the most beautiful cozy place with him. Soulful….so full….of the essence of life….we humans were meant to share with one another. Happiness. Laughter. Love. Connection. Enchantment. I woke up this morning feeling so happy from such an awesome dream. The kind of dream, where you want the feeling to last all day. Somehow you know if you can keep it, everything will feel good, be okay and somehow you are inside the life meant for you to live. The way life is suppose to feel. As I awoke in the morning and came into reality. I looked over and there he was…right beside me… real and alive in my reality. My dream was real. A strong reminder of how dreams do want to come alive. Dreams want to become reality. Your dreams matter! Now is your time. What’s a dream you have that you want to bring alive? Real and in reality! Your reality! I send smiles to your dreams–...

What’s Your Dream?

They say procrastination is a dream killer! I say no dream is a life destroyer! Opening line from Pretty Women…”What’s your dream?” Let yourself dream…dream BIG and WILD! If everyday you do one thing to love your dreams to life, before you know it… YOU will be lived by your dreams! The Universal Loving Presence - God - Source - The Creator placed the capacity to dream inside of us to co-create miraculous possibilities! What’s your dream? Begin today… to dream it …speak it… honor it… love it… and ultimately be lived by it! With the Sincerest Love, Smiles & Dreams Anne I grew up hearing the “I have a dream” speech played over and over again in my home. To this day, nothing elicits a stronger, to the core, response deeply within me. The power of a dream, lived and demonstrated with the level of change that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave us through non-violence and peaceful resolution reminds me over and over again the real possibilities that we can dream to...

You are WORTHY of the BEST!

Dear Sweet Child – Do you know who you are? You were created in all the worthiness of the highest LOVE. Only the best for you. You were created in your own unique perfection. Yes, perfection. There is a life waiting… your discovery. There is love waiting… your discovery. Keep following your highest light, it is your North Star. Always, remember how worthy you are!

You are POWERFUL Beyond Measure

Normally, I like to post original material. The only thing original in this post are the photos of my boys. I felt compelled to share these powerful quotes/excerpt because they are the reminders, I use myself to keep moving forward in the direction of truth and my dreams. Fear can be one of the biggest barriers we build around our minds, hearts and even our confidence. Fear becomes a living blockage that stops us from sharing our gifts…our hearts…our minds…our talents and most of all our tenacity to follow the truth of our dreams and the real person we came here to be. Why Fear? We are so much bigger than the illusionary barrier that fear creates. I say, let’s come to know: We are always safe, protected and guided by the Universal Loving Presence that pervades the entire Universe on this path we have chosen. Go in truth, in the direction of your dreams knowing…that you hold, carry and are surrounded by POWER that is beyond measure!!! Smiles!...

Today – I Am ….

Today - I am… Today - I am feeling stronger than ever… Today - I am feeling clearer than ever… Today - I am making a run for it! Today - I trust the perfection! Today - I know a miracle is happening… Today - I am inspired with original ideas! Today - I am safe and protected! Today - I am grateful…I am empowered from the highest place of truth inside me. Today - I am victorious and triumphant in my endeavors! Today - I give my best…and it is good…really good! Today - I speak loving to all I encounter because what I have to give is love… Today - I am sharp in mind… soft in heart…. Today - I hold my whole life up to the highest light and know…I am untouchable to the dark… Today - I do what life asks of me. Today - I know… Today - I am...