Somewhere in Time – Dreams Come Alive

What a symbol of dreams coming to life. Recently, I spent time on Mackinac Island, Michigan where the movie, “Somewhere in Time” was filmed. I am moved beyond…. All the dreams that are really true to our hearts can come to life. Stephen Simon was the man possible for getting the movie “Somewhere in Time” produced.  He also brought together the Spiritual Cinema Circle Cruise Film Festival, which I attended. It was on this film festival cruise that I made a friendship connection.  I also made the connection that ultimately led to more connections, and years later to an amazing love story of my heart’s dreams come to life with Jack Voorheis. I am moved beyond… to the real magic that exist each and every moment to energize our heart’s deepest dreams that are alive and real, somewhere in time. These dreams will find their way to come alive if you just keep remembering the truth of your heart. Let yourself be pulled to your dreams. Somewhere in Time….Your Dreams are Alive!        ...

Inner Reflections = Outer Projections

We hold so much power with our reflections. Let our minds and hearts dwell on love, sharing, compassion and making a difference with our existence. Every person matters, every dream matters… …YOU MATTER… You are the difference! Let’s each do our part by letting the arrows from our minds and hearts not be poison to one another. Let them be ongoing movements of our very best inside. There are laws of the Universe that work from the inside-out premise. We can count on these Universal Laws to bring us back our deepest reflections and projections.  Let’s lead an extraordinary direction together… With Deep Love & Smiles to All,...

Hypnotized into fuzziness? Interesting…

Ever feel like you have been hypnotized into fuzziness? Then, you engage in an activity that has nothing but monotony to it. In that repetitiveness a new order of awareness can arise. We have all experienced it with simple basic tasks like driving a car over a distance or taking a good long walk. Somehow in these rather basic and boring tasks our life’s perspective can come into sharp view. These moments of awareness can bring to light some of the levels of ‘settling’ we have complied to in everyday living. How do we end up with such a compliant life? Is it that we are afraid to let other people down? Yet, in this settling, we are letting ourselves down by compromising the deepest wishes of our heart. The wishes and desires that yearn for the truthfulness of our lives to be expressed through our dreams ~ the type of dream where we experience moments of overwhelming love, peace, happiness and deep contribution. We love to see it in the movies because it helps us remember the real pieces of peace to our heart’s deepest yearning. How about today, we sharpen the focus for our most impressing dream? And then, we become compliant to that...

Congratulations Graduates 2011

The exciting times of graduation ~ Congrats Graduates! Congrats to everyone and anyone who also has graduated themselves to a new chapter in their lives. Let this times of change embrace the fun of life - dreams - living! I have two nieces and one nephew graduating high school this year. This past Thursday, here in California, I went to the graduation ceremony of my niece, Jade Stevens. My parents were talking about the differences between last weekend at my nephew’s graduation ceremony in Georgia and this week’s in California. In Georgia, my nephew’s graduation was a more formal, conservative experience in very nice auditorium with a blow horn sounding a couple of times. In California, my niece’s graduation outside with a half dozen beach balls being bounced, at one point a naked blow-up doll was being bounced to the front and at the end when the students started doing the wave, the superintendent and school board joined them! My dad loved seeing how, at the end, the graduates threw their hats in the air just like you see in the movies. My parents comment was the California graduation definitely was more informal and lively. I say to all the up and coming graduates ~ and each and everyone of us ~ stay on track to go out and live an inspired life in the venue that is fun for your spirit! We all have our own unique equation that equlas joy. Denzel Washington gave an inspiring commencement speech filled with the informal and formal, with the most important, timeless message for commencement ~ “May we all embrace commencing...

Grab Your Now – Live It – Love It – There’s Your Power!

“As I shed my clinging of past collecting and future projecting, pure Love forms in my heart of NOW as the true compassion of the magnificent Universal Loving Presence  within all.” - Anne Ribley Let go of the story of yesterday…live the story in you worth designing for today… Grab today - Live it - Love it - Claim it! Luv&Smiles,...