Honor Your Life – Happy New Year 2011 -1.1.11

Happy New Year. 2011 is the start of a High Vibrational year. Honor your life. Honor your dreams. You are special. Your thoughts are important. You are important. Your dreams are important. Today, my niece went into labor, and so many family and friends are ecstatically happy to welcome this new life. Every life is important - your life is important! Make this year your year to make your dreams come true. Last year in 2010, so many magical and wonderful events, people and experiences came into my life. I am looking forward to 2011 and living my dreams. I wish the same for...

What’s My Emotion Today?

What’s My Emotion Today? Emotions rule so much in our daily lives. Emotions are a powerful energy that have the ability to lift us up to heavenly experiences of happiness and dreams or drop us into the pits of hell of misery and suffering. Do we give them their due respect to make them what we want each day? Really, what are we talking about? E-motion, the energy we are putting into motion. The energy that our day will spring to life with, the energy our tomorrows will be designed with, the energy we will build relationships with, the energy we bring to all we encounter and all that we do… What would happen if we treated our emotions like a real thing, almost like a concrete, written letter to the Universe. The kind of energy that we would love to have returned back us, multiplied! What would happen to our dreams if we have our e-motions become a very powerful force attached to our dreams? We could become more masterful in our manifestations! Big dreams need big energy, as I delved into more in this post. Are you using your emotions to set into motion the energy that will coincide with your dreams? Everyday, every moment, we are given a brand new chance to become a better custodian and commander of our emotions, and set our own energy into motion. Everyday, just do better than yesterday - put into motion the matching emotional energy of our dreams - learn mastery over attitudes and emotions. There is no doubt that soon, we will wake up to the DAY where...

How to Navigate Wishes of Desire

There is a place inside the soul of who we are where energy grows. It knows the truth of who we are and what inspires us. It is a matter of synchronizing our mind with the heart of our truth. The mind is our tool to navigate wishes of desire into co-creation. It is as much like a computer program that we develop, program, craft and design; as is it a friend to that helps bring our dreams to life. The greatest car still sits idle, unable to be great, if it doesn’t have fuel. Fuel your dreams with the energy needed for them to come to life! Resign what doesn’t work for your dreams. Design what matches the directions of your dreams. Synchronize the mind with the heart desires. If money were not an object and no longer something you needed to chase, how would you spend your days? What would you be doing? These were some really important soul-searching questions I asked myself several years back when my life was in a meltdown from what had once seemed so stable and permanent. My eighteen year marriage ended, business ventures (some gone wonderfully well), others completely off-course mixed into real estate and financial chaos. I claimed my life from a new place. The place that was true to my dreams. The place that whispered into my heart from very early in my life. Step by step, day by day, I began putting into place deeply inspiring aspects that mattered most to my heart. If it didn’t inspire the truth of my soul, I let those areas resign. My life...

Inspire the Fire

Big dreams need big energy! Inside everyone is a place of real truth where their big dreams reside. I am talking about the dreams that truly inspire the soul - the deepest, truest part of who you are. These are not dreams about getting more material things and stuff. Outside stuff starts out exciting, but is only romantic for a while. In the end, it’s not the real love that inspires the soul. There are dreams that each of us were born with that inspired our souls, naturally - right from the beginning of our lives. As a New Year approaches, I encourage everyone to begin to list - with no constraints - the ideas and experiences that inspire something in their souls. So many of us yearn each day for big changes to happen that will make our dreams become reality. It’s all possible, our dreams. Big dreams need big energy to fuel them! If you want to inspire more love into your life, I know you have to inspire the fire of big love. If you want to inspire more prosperity into your life, I know you have to inspire the fire of new opportunities. If you want to inspire better health into your  body, I know you have  to inspire the fire of a deep resolve for health and a lifestyle that supports it. This New Year, I am holding up the dreams that are near and dear to my heart and with no holding back, I am bringing them out to share with the world! Life — dream it, live it and love it from the deep...