Hungry Ghosts Mercury Retrograde

Hungry Ghosts Mercury Retrograde

Halloween is a perfect time to talk about what really is keeping us scared and unsettled. In Buddhist tradition it is called the “Hungry Ghosts”. Or another way to say it with mainstream language is — Scarcity. (I call it living in Scare City.) The unnerving state of never enough. Urgency.Desperation.Unrelenting needing. Hurry and get it before it’s gone.Or it might not last.Feeling left out.Not chosen.Excluded.Deprived. Most hungry ghosts are old adaptive programs or responses that plague us from some form of trauma or scarcity scarring that was imprinted early on into our subconscious. And much of mainstream energy still keeps the scarcity power train circulating. The good news is that we are entering into an incredibly powerful time to review and re-write the old programming. The pain you have suffered with scarcity or lack in any form… financial unease, relationship(s) hardship, health issues, career stuckness or whatever way is signature for you — can shift! And this shift can happen rapidly. Mercury Retrograde runs October 31st thru November 20th. Imagine taking this Mercury Retrograde time of natural rewinding and re-shaping to create clear intentions that cash in on the currency (the magnificent flow) to re-write your PROSPERITY PATHWAY. What’s your shift you are committed to re-writing into a new prosperity pathway for yourself? Want a walking/running buddy beside you? Join me inside Remarkable Souls for the 21 Day Prosperity Challenge, together from November 4 -25th we will be doing daily prosperity mantras, mini meditations, prosperity journaling and reprogramming inner pathways. Best of all given you true CONNECTED SUPPORT to succeed. #Prosperity360#QuantumProsperity #ProsperityPathway #ProsperityMantraChallenge. Join Remarkable Souls to connect...
The Sweeping of More… Abundance… More or Less

The Sweeping of More… Abundance… More or Less

MORE or LESS & ABUNDANCE: The epidemic of overwhelm and anxiety that MORE can sweep up the very soul of us into worldly weather patterns of not enough and constantly needing more. Marketing has become part of our social fabric. It’s influencing us from every direction. Screens pushing out more and more — bits of information and data — influencing and pushing behaviors is now the world we live in.

Awaken Your Voice & Choice

Awaken Your Voice & Choice

As we all go through a profound and intense time of transforming shifts, aligning to your true voice within and your authentic choice is ESSENTIAL. Being in alignment with your voice and your choice is not a luxury that one day when you are in the right place, with the right amount of time, or at the right body weight, with the right amount money, connected to all the right people, in the right job, in the right relationship or whatever else needs to be in right alignment before you honor and integrate with your real, true voice that becomes the guiding power of your self honoring choice. Every time you are silenced or suppress your voice to direct your choice, a piece of your soul gets stuck in an energetic pattern or situation that betrays honoring your true self. Enduring the stuck pattern of self-betrayal causes toxic stagnation energy to set in. When self-betrayal toxicity begins to seep in, it eventually creeps into all the other life areas. If you are feeling in some life area right now you are being shaken, dismantled, re-shaped, shifted to the very core. Your greatest power is aligning to your VOICE and your CHOICE. Is it easy? Not always as new patterns need practice with time to strengthen for deeper stamina. Today start by honoring yourself with this mantra: Today I will honor my VOICE to my next best CHOICE. What’s your growing edge for using your VOICE to...
Mercury Retrograde July 2019

Mercury Retrograde July 2019

How to ride the current energy waves with Mercury Retrograde till the end of the month. If you have been following my work for some time you know how I emphasis that Mercury Retrograde time isn’t something to fear or something get disheveled and out of sorts with.