Mantra Absolutely Worthy of a Miracle Now

Mantra Absolutely Worthy of a Miracle Now

MONDAY MANTRA: I am absolutely worthy of a miracle now. Carry these powerful mantra words with you into 2019! Let these mantra words be a source of strength, allowing you to move closer to the absolute knowing that you were born out of miraculous impact. You will continue to unfold a life filled with… possibility… to match the miracles ready to be received by YOU!

Mantra Light of Soul Leads

Mantra Light of Soul Leads

MONDAY MANTRA: The Light of My Soul Leads Me. As we move into a new year. New chapters. New beginnings. This is the year of LIGHT. Light. LIGHT. Being light. Giving light.
✨Give the light of your soul permission to lead your life for 2019.

Mantra Trust in My Beautiful Life

Mantra Trust in My Beautiful Life

I trust in my life.. & It’s beautiful.  The most powerful stance you can take today, tomorrow and always is to stand in the trust of your life. It holds the magic to move mountains. It’s the cosmic eraser of self-imposed fear and doubt. Liberates life to thrive. Repeat the mantra today and through the week, I trust in my life… & It’s beautiful! You will feel a calm settling at the core of YOU and it’s magical. Let your light shine in your beautiful life! Subscribe on iTunes or your preferred podcast platform to get all the latest episodes.   The Monday Mantra Limited Edition Gift Bundle.  Today’s Monday Mantra is a mantra card straight out of the deck. And it is gorgeous to hold in your hand. Every card is filled with incredible love and power. Extremely low inventory for Monday Mantra Gift Bundles. Will make a fabulous gift to give for a little over $20. Order now before they sell out. ​​​Plus each gift bag comes with a unique synchronicity stone with a power word to give that right message at the right time and meaning of energy to work with throughout the year with the mantras.  ​​​​​​Included in the gift bundle set is a pocket mantra book of a full year of 52 mantras, one for every week and the 52 beautifully designed cards with 9 Extra Giver Cards. Click Here for Details on...
Claiming Worthiness

Claiming Worthiness

Life and circumstances rarely unfold in a straight chronological line exactly the way we want. It doesn’t matter who you are; we will all have those moments where we have to choose to honor true happiness, the happiness that is born of honoring and respecting our true sense of self-love and worthiness. Over eleven years ago, my life spiraled into a frenzy of complication. My life was on full throttle of doing more and more to make it right. Running on a ton of “effort-ing” to get a feeling I could never quite arrive at. My husband and I were married for ten years before we started having children. At one point, all the people around us thought we were this inspiring amazing couple to look up to and emulate. And the truth of the matter is, for the level of maturity we had at that point of our lives, maybe we were. However, when we started having children, the stakes of life changed. There was a little human being who was watching our lives now, getting all the hard wiring and foundation of how to navigate the world. I found that my personal fantasy of what a family “should be” was running and ruling me. When I was not treated with respect, I shoved it down in the name of keeping the family peace. I lived in how I imagined a family was ‘supposed’ to be. It was when I was pregnant with my second child, I realized how much my life energy was spent nurturing others, including my husband, my son, and now this new baby growing inside of...