Audacity to be Authentic

Audacity to be Authentic

“Have the audacity to be authentic.” This statement feels bold, something brave people say.  Or it’s an option we use when the time is right.

Miracle Today Mantra

Miracle Today Mantra

MANTRA: I am open to the miracle of today. There is always a beautiful solution ready to present. What we need… when we need it. Let Mondays lead your week in miraculous ways. Start with today and claim the miracle you are open to receive.
What if every Monday morning before you got out of bed you repeated the mantra… I am open to the miracle of today. How would that energize your week? This mantra is easy and simple enough to remember. Let it marinate into your Mondays as a ritual to empower miracles for you.
We need a miracle mindset now more than ever. Calling in the greater consciousness with spiritually expanded solutions beyond the current lower energies circulating out of fear and disconnection. Everyday nature wakes to the intrinsic miracle of today to unfold. We can align to the same connection that is miraculous in nature that is already natural to us.
I am open to the miracle of today!

Leap With Love Lead With Confidence Mantra

Leap With Love Lead With Confidence Mantra

I leap with love… I lead with courageous confidence.

The pure love that is uncensored will spring forth your outrageous and courageous confidence.

The kind of alive confidence that does not come from the head.

You have it in you now.

Leap with love toward your life today and courageous confidence will follow.

It is not something you have to make happen from you. It is a power and life force that will come through you as you leap with love.

Shine on with leaping love and courageous confidence.

Alive with confidence, you rise.

Shine in Divine Light Mantra

Shine in Divine Light Mantra

You don’t have to try so hard. You don’t have to strive so hard. You don’t need permission. You are worthy to shine because you are connected to the greater truth by Divine right.
You have your answer by Divine truth setting into motion your radiance to shine. You are a spark of Divine creation connected to the truth of today. Reach for it. Open to it.
Start your morning with this powerful intention. Today, I shine in the Divine truth of today. And that truth holds magic, power, and miracles for you.
Shine on –

Receive Empowering Directional Mantra

Receive Empowering Directional Mantra

Today, I receive what is healthy, right and empowering for me. Honor you. Honor your essential self that is always guiding you in the right direction. Fully allow yourself to receive what is right for you. Allow yourself to do what is healthy for you. Choose what is empowering (in-power) for you.
There is a benevolent power that is moving your life’s destiny with your own natural synchronicity. Today, trust your journey more fully. Today, receive what’s yours more openly. Today, allow yourself to be empowered with what brings you deeper into your power.
Use this mantra as a guiding power direction for your week.
Today, I receive what is healthy, right and empowering for me.