Live Your Abundance Mantra

Live Your Abundance Mantra

I am living inside the abundance that surrounds and is all around! You are standing inside an abundant universe. Nature speaks her blessings and bounty of abundance as a reminder of her thriving process. You are included in the natural supporting, surrounding abundance of life.

Attune to your abundance. Affirm your abundance. Speak the mantra of abundance…. I am living inside the abundance that surrounds and is all around.

We do not live in a withholding universe. We live inside an abundant source. Step outside of the scarcity perceptions and inside authentic truth of your abundant birthright to thrive. Carrying this mantra message into your week… I am living inside the abundance that surrounds and is all around.

Divine Synchronicity Mantra

Divine Synchronicity Mantra

I want you to think of three important aspects of your life that needs more answers… actions… or clarity to come forth. Call on the DIVINE synchronicity to show up for you.

Live into what is needed with ease and grace by asking for the DIVINE synchronicity to step forward. Take comfort in this “knowing” that something very specific for what is right for you at this right time is sliding into place.

Write down your three important areas sometime today… and then let your week unfold with a free flow for the right one to step forward first. Simply repeat the “DIVINE synchronicity” when the mind wants to attach to immediate answers. A DIVINE movement of synchronistic events will step toward you as you liberate your intentions!

Courage Prosperous Mantra

Courage Prosperous Mantra

My courage leads me into PROSPEROUS Possibilities! There is a place we can pull from for our courage and it doesn’t have to feel so hard. Speak to your courage today, it’s already in you ready to be a bit bolder, stronger and ready to EXPAND, one step at a time!

Find your one step of courage to take and let it lead your week toward prosperous possibilities! You are worthy of prosperous possibilities let the innate courage in you lead you!

Soul Strength Mantra

Soul Strength Mantra

Today, I touch the strength of my soul. I live in confidence for LIFE to conspire with me! It’s all around you. Touch it… feel it… it’s the very thing you are… soul strength! You have it. You are it. Let your power and peace settle together as you continue to remember you are soul strength and all of life conspires with you from that place.
Your real confidence resides from the strength of your soul and no one or nothing can take it away from you. Speak up and step forward with confidence, let life conspire with you as the strength of your soul empowers your every move for a beautiful week.
Shine on with soul strength.

Forgiveness Mantra

Forgiveness Mantra

I am the forgiver. I am the forgiven. Forgiveness frees me. I release… I am free! Bring the energy of forgiveness to your day and speak it throughout the week.
Feel the power of forgiveness giving healing energy to our humanity that we strongly need. Let the power of redemptive love connect us to the forgiveness needed at this time on all levels. Individually and collectively.
Give with generosity the spirit of forgiveness to yourself and others. Truly. Fully. I am the forgiver. I am the forgiven. Let self forgiveness set you free. Now, imagine what dreams will rise from there….
Let your heart hold no toxic judgments and positions for others and yourself. Practice repeating the mantra words often and frequently during the miraculous time of the full moon this week… say these words….. I release. I am free…. A natural healing energy will circulate in the collective consciousness for healing & transforming good.