Now is My Time Mantra

Now is My Time Mantra

Now is my time. I draw the line. As we come into this Mo(o)nday with the Eclipse Full Moon. A timely mantra here is for claiming the new chapter, cycle, season ready to connect and shape a whole new story.   Now is my time. I draw the line. What needs to be claimed? For you? For your world? Our world? What’s the no turning back line for you, right now? What’s your commitment of your truest heart-felt forward future? What’s ready? So ready? What’s in its’ time?   To blossom? To become?   What needs to come undone for your NOW time? What past is over? What chapter has closed? No more reading from the old chapter of your book. Something new is ready to be born. Written. Lived. Aligned with your truest heart-felt divine. Designed within the truest of true truths.   It doesn’t have to be hard. Only honored. And that’s the work. It’s the work of love. Because it’s harnessed in the honoring.   Set the boundary, marking and making the container of your life. Claim your territory.   Take up your space in the world with your wants, needs, desires, and dreams! You were meant to be here at this moment in time for what is moving through you. Speak it out aloud with me…. Now is my time. I draw the line.   And so it is. Now is my time I draw the line. You are worth it - claim it! With bright bold heart smiles, Anne   Remarkable Souls is a podcast show sharing insights, inspiration & interviews. Subscribe on iTunes...
Great Compassion Expansion Mantra

Great Compassion Expansion Mantra

With great compassion and expansion… I Love MySelf.  Self-Love = Self-Honoring.   We are in a season of expansion. Self-honoring is essential for you.   When we truly hold honor and respect for ourselves, we are in the act of self-love. When we are actively giving great compassion to ourselves we are in act of self-love.   Self-Love = Expansion   The most compassionate act you can do for your life’s existence is to act as a compassionate being with yourself.   Allow yourself to expand into your true potentiality is your greatest act of self-love.   Being a compassionate person/being… begins with you, it’s an act of self-love. And you can start now by placing your hand over your heart and stating … With compassion and expansion… I Love MySelf. Namaste, Anne Subscribe on iTunes or your preferred podcast platform to get all the latest episodes.   Small Group Circle Experience (8-11 Spots) 6 Month Commitment: June 21st Solstice ~ December 21st Solstice 2 LIVE Circle Connections on 2nd Sunday & 3rd Wednesday at 4:30 pm PST/7:30 pm EST (Friendly times for my beautiful Aussie peeps too) The most rapid growth happens in relational connection.  I'm excited to work more in-depth for those of you who are ready for healing and deep transformation in your next most important YES, including if you need more clarity. If you are ready to connect to your deeper truths with a safe place to share, dream, get unstuck, and elevate with more meaning, Blessed in My YES Inner Circle will be carefully selected for the best support for all with only 8-11...
Trust Mantra Divine Support

Trust Mantra Divine Support

I trust the Divine Hand guiding my path. You are not alone. You don’t have to figure it all out. There is a benevolent power always at hand on your path. Allow yourself to rest in the knowing of something much greater always present and available guiding your way. No matter what is happening currently in your world and in the collective world trust the Divine Hand at work. For this moment today at this very time … repeat the mantra… I trust the Divine Hand guiding my path. This mantra was inspired as a loving reminder to someone close to me going through a BIG life change. I also dedicate this to any of you who are also in BIG shift and surrendering to a greater power at work in your life. Find comfort with this mantra and try repeating morning - midday - end of the night….I trust the Divine Hand guiding my path. Namaste, Anne Subscribe on iTunes or your preferred podcast platform to get all the latest episodes.   More Details to Register...
BOLD Support Mantra

BOLD Support Mantra

That which supports me BOLDLY steps forward… That which doesn’t GRACEFULLY steps down… PERFECT Mantra now that Mercury Retrograde is over today & a New Moon cycle beginning this week! Let the FLOW move through you and with you. This is one of the all-time favorite and most beloved mantras I have ever shared. This is absolutely one of the most powerful mantras you can use for everything!!! Begin your day with a supportive call forward for what the power moves for you — right now at this time. Call in the trusting flow of the universe and relax into the support that will step forward for you in unquestionable ways to let you know — BOLDLY this is for you! And those situations that aren’t working out or are shifting, thank the universe for the graceful step-down. Even if it doesn’t make complete sense at the moment. This mantra can change your life. It is a living meditation that deepens your trust in what is yours to engage with and what is yours to release and surrender to a greater source. Incredibly beautiful…. during this winding up for new creations to come forward in our present manifesting cycle. Speak it every day in all ways… That which supports me BOLDLY steps forward… that which doesn’t GRACEFULLY steps down. This mantra is a keeper for you and anyone you know it could help. Keep it close and call on it anytime, every time, and whenever you need it to be clearly shown to you.You got this… call it in! Namaste, Anne Subscribe on iTunes or your preferred podcast platform...