Declare Today with Extraordinary Moments…Tomorrow and the Next and On and On…

by | Feb 15, 2011 | Connection

What if we could live our ordinary days with the extra “love” that is focused so much on Valentine’s Day? Don’t get me wrong; I love the idea of Valentine’s Day. I love the idea of happy love moments, sweet treats, flowers, love songs, candles, secret displays of admiration and beauty.

Something “extra” is what we bring to those designated days of theme celebration to make them special. Our soul yearns for the extraordinary…

We were born to feel inspired. Hang out with a small child for a day and watch their wonder and captivation with life continuously unfold. Children are easily inspired with what seems so ordinary. It’s the numbing effects of everyday life that makes life seem so ordinary.

How inspiring is your life?

As adults life can become filled with so much destruction in search for the “extra” because our desire to feel inspired gets misguided into drama, gossip, alcohol, drugs, numbing out behaviors and many other maladies for the momentarily temporary transient quick fix.

What if we gave our day the gift of spontaneous surprises of something “extra”? How rich would our days begin to feel with inspiring moments? We may find, feel and experience the extraordinary moments our soul is so hungry to thrive in.  If we bring that “extra” something to our day; instead of waiting for something on the outside to fuel it for us, we will find that magic doorway to fall in love with a wondrous life for today….and the next and the next….

Love life with a little “extra” today…

Give a child an “extra” hug  today…

Give someone an “extra” kiss today…

Give that “extra” helping hand today…

Tell someone those “extra” words today…

Reach out and look for that “extra” miracle waiting for you today…

Somewhere in these actions a doorway of life will open extraordinary surprises perfectly made for you.

And so shall extraordinary love moments roll into today, tomorrow, the next and on and on…