Touched By Love

by | Jul 24, 2012 | About Anne, Connection

Today, I discovered a post my twelve year old put on the internet, that I never knew about. How does that happen? I am an in-touch mom. My boys have very closely monitored electronic lives. My twelve year old doesn’t own a cell phone yet. Okay, well I have confession ~ I do let them play a few games on occasion with my iPhone.  Basically I do it for a reprieve ~ to grab those couple of minutes to not have to referee two boys that wrestle and play like little puppies 24/7. Or maybe, it’s as simple as waking up with a cup of coffee before full-on refereeing begins! Whatever the reason, it is truly more rare than routine because of the type of games I see them download. Games with names like ‘Smash Zombies’ where the name alone suggests a dumbing down!                                                                         

So today, here I am in a quiet afternoon while the boys are at camp. Jack is sharing the results of an opinion poll he did today about money and time with “Thumbs” on his iPhone. As he shares, I tell him, you know CJ loves that app on my phone. He likes to look at polls, give his thumbs up or down and on occasion put out a poll for opinions. The few times, I knew CJ did a poll, they were rather insignificant, something along the lines is so and so a great rapper? I say to Jack… here let me read you… the polls he has asked for opinions on… In the middle of reading out loud — typical opinion polls by a twelve year old. I was instantly moved breathless… as I found this poll he put out with our family picture…


93% gave “Love is Important” a thumb up!

Our family picture with all the boys, Higgins Lake, Summer 2011

Moved by the glimpse of the unspoken translation of love my twelve year old expressed about his life, my life, our lives!

My son polled the statement…. ‘Love is important’ with a picture of our blended family. Something power spoke to me about what he feels about life, love and thing that have value to him. The importance to accept change as our family did; the importance to embrace new things, and how it is all possible with love.

Where I am today, with love, is result of my courage to stand up to life with love and FOR love. I am deeply honored to share a life with my most wonderful, soulmate partner, Jack, as a blended family.

The greatest gift we can give ourselves and those around us is a life of real LOVE!

Love in what we do, love who we are, love who we are with and love for our gift of life.

Wishing you LOVE - Love on the HIGHEST level - LOVE on 11!!

May you find the love you are searching for, keep close and near the love you have and most importantly may experience ~ LOVE on 11!

I am sharing the re-broadcast of our most recent Empower11 Radio Show - LOVE on 11.

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