Solstice June Full Moon 2024 Insider

by | Jun 22, 2024 | Full Moon

Bright & Light Solstice Full Moon ~ June 21/22nd ~ Create your Miraculous Full Moon Ritual with 5 Easy Steps.
Solstice Full Moon. May you take sacred time to shine the radiance to grow your dreams if you are in the Northern Hemisphere. Or slumber with your dreams if you are in the Southern Hemisphere. May we know the magic of the light and dark to weave the rhythm and balance to bring dreams alive.
Solstice Full Moon Energy Focus:
1. Dream Time
The radiant light bathes the Earth, it opens a gateway to the realm of dreams and visions. This energy encourages us to explore our subconscious, tap into our intuition, and receive guidance from our higher selves. Use this time to journey inward, connect with your deepest desires, and plant the seeds of your future in the fertile soil of your imagination. .
2. Metamorphosis Transformation:
The Solstice Full Moon acts as a cosmic catalyst for profound change. Just as a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, this lunar energy supports our own metamorphosis. Embrace the process of shedding old patterns, beliefs, and limitations. Allow yourself to dissolve and reform, knowing that each step of your transformation brings you closer to your true, radiant self.
3. Breaking Free & Emerging as an Empowered YOU
This Solstice Full Moon provides the strength and courage needed to break free from what no longer serves you. It’s time to release the chains of fear, doubt, and past conditioning. As you break through these barriers, feel yourself emerging as a more empowered, authentic version of yourself. Embrace your unique gifts, stand in your power, and let your light shine.
Write it right. Pen to paper. (antenna to God/Source/Life). Create your ritual of release, light the shining truth and set yourself free to the dreams calling you forward.
As you work with these potent energies of Dream Time, Metamorphosis, and Breaking Free during the June Solstice Strawberry Full Moon, remember that you are full of power to light up your dreams. Trust in the wisdom of the universe, flow with the currents of change, and let your inner light to guide you.
Together, let us dream big, transform courageously, and break free into our most empowered selves! during this Solstice Strawberry Full Moon.
Shine on ~


Here is a powerful meditation if you want extra support in holding sacred space to receive.

You can stream and download on all music platforms, Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play, etc,

Heart Centered Meditation for Healing & Transformation

by Anne Ribley | 15 Minutes

Creating Sacred Space for Ceremony + Rituals

by Anne Ribley | Meditative Words & Music for Rituals