Harness the Power of the Pause! Magical!

by | May 24, 2014 | Inspiration

Harness the Power of the Pause - www.anneribley.com

I hope this weekend you give yourself some allotment of your magical power of the pause. I know I am. So much energy and changes have been circling in my life almost non-stop for weeks. Jack returned home after being gone for two months this weekend. Other than posting/emailing my radio show, I am using this weekend to unplug, pause and connect. I am doing all those ordinary things that bring joy to me and my loved ones that don’t require a screen.

Takes no genius to quickly observe that everything around says… more, more more!

Do more.

Try more.

Get more.

Have more.

Be more.

Yet, we live in a time where more people are frazzled, stressed and depressed within this cultural frenzy of non-rest and always needing more.

Get energy.

Get answers.

Get clarity.

Get the authentic power that is available in your moments of the pause. Pick an hour, a day or whatever amount of time you are able to pause and unplug. You will feel some inspiring magic arise from giving yourself some stillness. Join the conversation and invoke your power of the pause!