How Fit Do You Want to Be?

by | Apr 30, 2012 | Inspiration

Every day I wake up and aspire to be in good shape; fit for my life.

It doesn’t matter if I was run over by a lawn mower when I was two years old.

It doesn’t matter if I have experienced divorce. It doesn’t matter if I went through financial chaos. It doesn’t matter if I felt hurt by betrayal.

I wake up and ask to be a channel of my highest well-being. To be an expression of the Universal Loving Presence thatĀ pervadesĀ all of LIFE.

To be fit in heart.

To be fit in mind.

To be fit in body.

To be fit in spiritual tone.

To be fit in love and resonate with TRUTH.

To be fit with compassion and know LIFE.

Today, I give no excuses…

I am fit.

Today, I am sharing my most recent radio show…

‘The Wheel of Transformation’

[spreaker episode_id=947931 type=mini width=100% color=0068c9 autoplay=false]