Last Full Moon of 2012 – Transform into Magical New Year

by | Dec 28, 2012 | Inspiration

Today is the last full moon of 2012. What a powerful day to release or relinquish all old lingering energies or feelings from the past year or longer.

Start the new year fresh and vitalizing with possibilities for your prayers, dreams and wishes to come true. I encourage everyone to synchronize with the transformative change the full moon can bring for illuminating all the dark or heavy energies to be released through a powerful ritual.

Click Here ===> Full Moon Ritual

What a great way to end and start a new year with releasing the old and getting clear with your visions you want to come forth.

Here is a re-broadcast of my most recent Empower11 radio show =====> Visions for a Happy New You!

Wishing you the best!



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