Reclaim! Proclaim! Claim it!

by | Jul 27, 2013 | Inspiration

 Anne RibleyThe Life You Deserve

There is a spiritual code within your soul no different than the DNA code that determined your body. There is a very specific spiritual code that contains all the instructions direction from God or the Divine that is just for you.

It is the natural activation of your own very own special interests, gifts, loves and passions.

Making the connection with your own Divine gifts, strengthening that connection and living from that source is what creates your own true legacy. A Divine Legacy that belongs just to you and your life.

Definition of Divine: emanating from God

Definition of Legacy: bequest (law) a gift of personal property by will.

Bestowed deep within your heart is a Divine Legacy that is the life meant just for you. It is the life where you truly connect to your Greatness. It is a place where you harness your personal gifts and walk on the path of fulfilment that is unique to you. This direct path can lead to a life that will exceed your wildest dreams.

To begin to live, reveal or uncover your Divine Legacy you will need to clear the ‘debris’ and ‘stuff’ from your life that takes you away from your true path or real authentic Greatness. This debris may have built itself slowly over time causing the direction of truth to be unrecognizable to you or it may be hard to discern at times.

Often many people get trapped living someone’s legacy that has been accumulated along the way, slowly and subtly.

Wherever your life is today, you can start to live your Divine Legacy.

One step at a time.

Grab a hold of this life that has your name on it… and reclaim your time that makes up your life.

Grab the dreams and precious wishes held in your heart… and proclaim those desires to life.

Claim it! Break Free!



Sharing with you an episode of Empower11 Radio show co-hosted by myself, Anne Ribley where the conversation explores breaking free of the resistance patterns that hold back from the dreams and aspirations that yearn to find life. Liberate your dreams. Become free. Get on purpose with the authentic you that wants to connect to your most potent possibilities.