Super August Full Moon

by | Aug 19, 2024 | Inspiration


Full Moon ~ August 19/20th ~ Amplify Your Authentic Power. Liberate. Super-charge. Transform. Create your Miraculous Full Moon Ritual with 5 Easy Steps.
The August Super Full Moon of 2024, the first of three, opens a super-charged threshold for transformation. By giving ourselves the needed awareness to clear and cleanse, we can begin to wind down long-standing patterns and blockages during this Mercury Retrograde period, paving the way for a liberating release as we approach the next New Moon.
3 Energy Focuses for August Super Full Moon:
The Super Full Moon acts as a cosmic amplifier for progress in all life areas. Look honestly into your life and the world around you to recognize that your path to advancement is being redefined. You’re being called forward to make choices and decisions that propel you in new directions, clearing old blockages and illuminating the path ahead with unprecedented clarity.
Your connection to ambitions and need for true inspiration is undergoing a major transformation. There is an inner revolution that affects how you relate to your values, genuine connections, true self, and ultimately your outer expression to others and your life. You may find yourself having meaningful conversations that deepen your closest relationships, while also feeling drawn to expand your connection or engage more deeply with your community. Pay attention to sudden realizations about your life’s direction or purpose that arise during this time.
Wherever you’ve been stagnant, avoiding growth, or suffering in old patterns, an activation is stirring a fresh awareness alive. This transformative influence encourages you to transcend your current limitations, embrace necessary changes, and step into your power for your next-level expansion.
Allow yourself to “name and claim” what it’s time to release and complete. Connect deeply. Write it down (pen to paper—antenna to God/Creator/Source) with your holy power to script a new reality. Focus your faith and align your frequency to emerge in a new, elevated way.
Let your light shine so brightly with your truest self that it illuminates the path for others. You are an answered prayer for today’s world. However you’re being moved, let go and shine.
Shine on~


Here is a powerful meditation if you want extra support in holding sacred space to receive.

You can stream and download on all music platforms, Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play, etc,

Perfect mantra for all that is ready to be cleansed and claimed for this Super Full Moon Monday. It’s all about calling the power forth … from wherever it has been stuck, splintered, silenced, suppressed, small, or simply not fully available. Cleanse. Release. Let it come forth…. from wherever it is.
New wants to emerge, advance, and amplify for your next level.
Claim what you need in any life relationship love, health restoration, healing, opportunity, money, answers, strength, support… connection.
Whatever it is you need… Call it forth… let your power be fully present with you, make the clearing to cleanse, and allow it forward more fully for you from wherever it is.

Heart Centered Meditation for Healing & Transformation

by Anne Ribley | 15 Minutes

Creating Sacred Space for Ceremony + Rituals

by Anne Ribley | Meditative Words & Music for Rituals