Today is the New Moon – Ask for the Miraculous…

by | May 20, 2012 | Inspiration

Today is the New Moon… A time to ask for what you want to bring about both inside and out in your life. Synchronizing with the natural cycles is a powerful phenomenon to access miraculous changes, results and manifestations. There was a time in my life where there was so much change I wanted that it felt way outside of me. However, I empowered myself and the miraculous did happen… day by day, through time. Some events and situations presented themselves immediately and others in their own perfect time, and it’s because I have stayed with this New Moon Ritual consistently.

Every month on the day of the New Moon, I would write down all I want to bring in, become and be in my life. I truly feel if we take the time we can WRITE our lives RIGHT. Writing it down is so powerful it is almost as if we are extending our antenna to tune into God, the Creator, the Source, the Universal Loving Presence that is the Supreme Law for the acceleration of change. I write my list of what I want to ‘Become and Be’, I light a tealight or prayer candle and speak the words out loud, ‘Become’ and I feel the impact is always profound.

The testimonials I have heard for others I have shared this through the years has been miraculous too! I mean truly miraculous!

I am also posting for convenience my most recent radio show for Empower11 ~ the conversation topic was about the importance of being willing to ASK….

The asking wholeheartedly sets into motion latent forces and potentialities that may otherwise stay dormant. Activate your dreams today… Write It Right… be willing to ask… light a candle and declare it!



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