You are POWERFUL Beyond Measure

by | Sep 4, 2011 | Inspiration

If you knew WHO or WHAT walks beside you on THIS way, which YOU have chosen, fear would be impossible. Excerpt from Course of Miracle

Normally, I like to post original material. The only thing original in this post are the photos of my boys. I felt compelled to share these powerful quotes/excerpt because they are the reminders, I use myself to keep moving forward in the direction of truth and my dreams.

Fear can be one of the biggest barriers we build around our minds, hearts and even our confidence. Fear becomes a living blockage that stops us from sharing our gifts…our hearts…our minds…our talents and most of all our tenacity to follow the truth of our dreams and the real person we came here to be.

Why Fear?

We are so much bigger than the illusionary barrier that fear creates.

I say, let’s come to know:

We are always safe, protected and guided by the Universal Loving Presence that pervades the entire Universe on this path we have chosen. Go in truth, in the direction of your dreams knowing…that you hold, carry and are surrounded by POWER that is beyond measure!!!

