Abundance Mantra | I am living inside the abundance.

Jul 8, 2019 | Monday Mantra

I am living inside the ABUNDANCE that surrounds and is all around!

You are standing inside an abundant universe. Nature speaks her blessings and bounty of abundance as a reminder of her thriving process. You are included in the natural supporting, surrounding abundance of life.

Attune to your abundance.
Affirm your abundance.
Speak the mantra of abundance…. I am living inside the abundance that surrounds and is all around.

We do not live in a withholding universe.
We live inside an abundant source.

Step outside of the scarcity perceptions and inside authentic truth of your abundant birthright to thrive. Carrying this mantra message into your week… I am living inside the abundance that surrounds and is all around.

♥️ Namaste, Anne

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