That which supports me BOLDLY steps forward…
That which doesn’t gracefully steps down.
Currently, we are all at the doorways of needed relational shifts in some form. This mantra is for you to allow the miraculous shift needed to step forward.
2022 is the year of relationships and in honor of tomorrow’s 2-22-2022 quantum twos. We have a powerful portal for new resonating relationships in whatever form is needed in your personal world and the collective global world.
Call in the trusting flow of the universe and relax into the support that will step forward in unquestionable ways to let you know — BOLDLY this is for you! This is for us!
And those situations that clearly aren’t working or are amidst a shift, thank the universe for the graceful step-down.
This mantra changes life — intercepts something gone array — and re-directs a new way — forward. This mantra allows acceptance when something steps down because something better, more supportive is on the way to BOLDLY come forward.
It is a living meditation mantra that deepens trust in what is yours to engage with and what is yours to release and surrender to a greater source. Incredibly beautiful…. use this mantra to allow what is needed in a new relational connection whether with someone, over something, or even the specific relationship with money, career, purpose, home, pattern dynamics, or a long-standing shift.
Hold in mind something needing clarity and speak the relational shift into reality… That which supports me BOLDLY steps forward… that which doesn’t GRACEFULLY steps down.
Keep this mantra close, put it in your pocket, and pull it out as often as you need.
Let’s be a part of the change we are looking for and use this mantra to hold a frequency and focus for the most supportive outcome needed in our personal relational connections with self and others and the collective shift we are living through at this time.
LIFE wants to support life.

I am thrilled to offer this LIVE Worldwide Event on the POWER Portal Day 2-22-2022.
Activate the attraction into a powerful relationship of what is next for you. This will be my BEST Workshop to date for the Healers & Helpers. It’s important and so is your work and purpose in the world. Come get supported.
Healers & Helpers: You are needed now more than ever to step up, shine and impact the world with your gifts, talents, and knowledge. Join me for a free LIVE workshop.
✔️ Discover the secret to a simple marketing plan that brings the right people straight to you.
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✔️ Convert the right people to your business without making the 3 BIG mistakes that can get you stuck.
✔️ Drop the struggle in marketing & messaging.