Connected Protected Mantra

by | Jun 1, 2020 | Monday Mantra

I am connected and protected in next right steps.

Let this mantra become a prayer, an anthem for each of us in our most personal and collective life decisions and choices with how we are showing up for the next right steps. The energy entry to what is next is standing right in front of each of us with our own individual power.

Let us not live out of fear and altercate the next right steps. Let us know the message we carry is shaping our lives. Those messages are the living breathing mantras repeated over and over in all ways of interaction. All the living cells of our bodies and individual selves are eavesdropping in on the repeating messages that have the momentum to carry power and energy. Let the mantras of today breathe connection and protection for the next right steps.

May we do our part individually with knowing how to show up within those next right steps.

Let yourself be held in the truth of this tender moment.
I am connected & protected in the next right steps.



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