Divine Stability is the supporting truth, I now call upon.
Call upon the highest stabilizing power available… Divine Stability. The steady, unwavering force that holds all of life. It is the Universal Intelligence that moves through everything, grounding and restoring where needed.
Let us call forth the restorative power of stability wherever it is needed most. Whether in health, relationships, work, inner peace, or our home base, may we align with the anchoring power that sustains and strengthens us.
Let us also extend this collective energy to all facing uncertainty, upheaval, or disruption—offering stabilizing strength, healing, and renewal where it is most needed.
Call it forth… repeat the mantra words… “Divine Stability” … over and over for yourself, for any situation seeking connection, protection, and renewal, and for all who need it in this moment.
May Divine Stability hold and uplift the way forward for exactly what is needed.