Today, I honor my VOICE to guide my next best CHOICE!
Your voice, the still truthful whisperer within and expression carrier of your soul is your power. ⠀
…God spoke and the world was created… ⠀
The VOICE within and the VOICE to speak up and create your worlds is a potent power source you have to guide your next best CHOICE. ⠀
Give extra attention today to the VOICE within speaking to you to create your next best CHOICE.
And today, use the power of your VOICE to speak up and say it!
Don’t swallow your VOICE, free it to be a carrier for you.
Your next best is waiting to hear the words.
♥️ Today, I honor my VOICE to guide my next best CHOICE!

Wow! What a month so far, right?
All the intensity.
Eclipses (New & Full).
The stirring and uncovering what has been eclipsed or covered and kicking karmic dust storms in the air.
Retrogrades. (Including Mercury)
What area of your life are you bringing in the love and attention to expand and elevate?
What deep untangling you have been in the thick of?
We are approaching the second New Moon for the month and as we cross into August while we wind out of retrograde times as well.
We are moving toward a big shift with a Quantum Leap.
What is the quantum leap you are re-shaping into?
The quantum leap that is coming through for you will propel a whole new way of life that is nothing like anything you have ever known before.
Here are some power enhancements to help prepare for what the next cycle is moving into.
Has the past year and half been breaking down deep old clinging roots that need to be cleared from your life? Have you felt the shaking loose old karmic debris, entanglements, programming or energetics?
Something new is being re-shaped.
Something is truly shifting.
Here are a couple power ways I can help you if you need some personalized support to propel your quantum leap.
1:1 Private personalized mentoring sessions available between now and August 10th.
Create Your Soul Inspired Momentum. Together, we can walk through upleveling into your Quantum Leap. (5 spots left)
1:1 VIP Soul Full Day Intensive