Overcoming Obstacles & Barriers

by | Sep 14, 2014 | Monday Mantra

Obstacles are a part of life, but some are self-induced.

How do we overcome them?

What skills can we master to empower ourselves.

Sometimes obstacles and barriers can result from the best parts of ourselves.

Yes, our strengths can turn into weaknesses if we can’t see something for what it really is.


Join the conversation as we explore new angles on overcoming obstacles and barriers.

MONDAY MANTRA: I am in the “Serenity of Safety” as I expand into my unknowns. Big or small unknowns… making the phone, meeting the person, waiting for the answer… the many multitudes… unknowns track with life.

Let this powerful mantra of protection help you stand strong…

Say it 3 times in your mind right now and you will feel a calm grace wash over you…

I am in the “Serenity of Safety”…

Safe Serenity Mantra