I have permission
to be in my JOY.
receive my good.
feel the support.
to live in purpose.
Per-mission is a sacred word in origin. It’s inherent to the divine design that your life was born filled with permission - per-the-mission of YOU. Permission is alive with your unique purpose, supportive for life, inside life reaching toward the good for you and being in the joy that your heart hears and feels.
Give yourself permission to be fully aligned and radiant to your life.
These three words can become mighty with power… I have permission.
Whenever you feel the taunting or haunting energies of someone or something else holding the power of permission for your LIFE, take your power back in small steady ways. Return to the true permission to be inside your life, full of your personal mission which includes your joy and your good. Filled with your life’s support and power of your purpose and mission.
No matter what comes your way today and this week. Unlock more of your personal mission to be inside your PERMISSION. Every ping pushing scarcity, smallness, shrinking, or stifling internally or externally striking against your personal permission you can set yourself free with this mantra by simply saying… I have permission. You can unleash the power of your permission to be true for you. You can also follow up the permission mantra by filling in a power phrase that rings true for you.
Your life is a beautiful sacred personal mission… speak it alive… I have permission!!!

June 21st LIVE VIRTUAL Solstice Life Vision Board/Book Party ~ Fun & Done in 2 Hours
I will share my method using the Feng Shu Bugua as a road map.
Only basic simple supplies are needed. Magic Transformations Will Happen.
Create & Celebrate Dreams in the Solstice Energy.
Life Vision Party Workbook Included.