I receive my Upward SHIFT.
August Abundance is happening.
Lots of powerful energies are moving forward.
Let what you need be received.
Allow yourself to claim the upward shift ready to come forward for you. No matter what upward SHIFT is needed for you… Whether it is a shift for a state of mind, peace in the heart, life advancing opportunities, monetary abundance, resolution with a difficulty, clarity consciousness, relationship love, healing, and recovery.
Allow the Upward SHIFT to fill your heart, mind, and life with the source and sustenance needed at this time.
Shine on ~Namaste, Anne

Sacred Money Shift
SACRED MONEY SHIFT: Shifting the Relationship with Money in a Holy Instant is a guided experience for a quantum leap. You were born from a quantum leap. A holy instant. A moment of miraculous impact. Time to fortify your financial foundation with a new frequency.
A quantum leap, a holy instant lives in your DNA and at the core of your soul. It’s the most powerful source already within you. Together during a potent power time (August 1st - 16th) we will recalibrate and expand your relationship with money in a Holy Instant.
Bold claim? Yes. It is possible and available to you. Yes. It’s already wired within you for it.
Now more than ever, it is time to elevate beyond any fear inciting narratives being promoted around money, along with many other topics. A new era is emerging and you being enriched with wealthy resources is needed.