Remarkable Power Mantra

by | Feb 27, 2023 | Monday Mantra

Today… I reach for my Remarkable POWER.

Whatever is needed right now… reach for it. 

Let it come forward.

Let it come out.

Let it step up.

All around and everywhere the field of Remarkable POWER is here for you.

Always within reach. Always available.

Who do you need to be?

What do you need to do?

What needs to be claimed?

Reach is an ancient power word helping command what feels missing to be found.

Breathe into every cell of your being… Today, I reach for my Remarkable POWER.

Stretch today. Reach for it.

Let be seen. Let it happen. Let it be remarkable.

The POWER of LIFE is always reaching.

Inside & Outside.

Let the remarkable POWER be found for you today.



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