Sources of Support Mantra

Nov 18, 2024 | Monday Mantra


Sources of Support are stepping forth… I am supported.

We are being called to take a clear and honest look at how we connect with true sources of support in the most vital areas of our lives.

We may unknowingly carry programming, cultural conditioning, or the weight of past traumatic events that perpetuate feelings of scarcity, lack, or not enough when it comes to support. But support is not something we have to go out and get by being lucky or proving our worthiness.

We come from a life-giving field of support at the Source. Use this mantra to connect with the true, supportive nature of life.

We do not live in a withholding Universe. Life’s true Source of All Things and Well-Being is always present.

You can tap into the real energy stream of life flowing in the Universal Field of Abundant Possibility.

Take back your sovereign power wherever it has been displaced, and step fully into the Supportive Nature of Life.

Repeat the mantra: Sources of Support are stepping forth… I am supported.

Find as many ways as you can throughout your day to align with the natural desire for LIFE to support life.

Life supports LIFE.
Life is the real, living network.
You are part of the divine prayer of life, which exists to support you and bring progress to your journey.

Focus on the miracle of today, especially in areas where something feels missing or where answers are needed. Hold your focus and repeat the mantra as a prayer of faith, trusting that support is ready to step forth for you right now.

Sources of Support are stepping forth. Allow the support. It’s here for you now—not tomorrow, not someday. Life is ready to synchronize with you—feel it today.

You are supported by Sources of Support ready to step forth.

