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Receive My Good Mantra

by | Apr 10, 2017 | Monday Mantras

 I Receive My Good.

This is a powerful mantra for balancing the many over-givers reading this message who are being called to connect deeper and more fully to their natural energy exchange.

“I Receive My Good” is an amplifier mantra of right action for balancing your connection to Source - Universe - Abundance - God.

Believe it.

Receive it.

Speak it.

Repeat it.

“I Receive My Good.” Hold both hands over your heart and feel it. Strengthen your worthiness muscle to receive your good by stating frequently throughout the day and week. I Receive My Good. 

Let the good that is ready to move with rightful action toward you be received by you. Say it…

I Receive My Good. 
You are worth it.

Receive Your Good Mantra Intention

by Anne Ribley | 10 Minutes

5 Easy Steps of How to Do A Full Moon Ritual


Full Moon Teleseminar