I am willing to ask… I am worthy to receive!

Let your 2020 year and new decade ring through with the manifesting matching and divine pairing for these 2 power words: willing & worthy. Ask is the power connector.
It’s time for your willingness to ASK to have voice. Yes, be willing to speak up. Show up. And ask! Strengthen deeper your “asking” stamina. Fears and conditioned suppression around asking will begin to dissolve and dismantle.
Think of living into this mantra as important as breathing. By naturally strengthening your willingness to ask, you align to your natural well-being of RECEIVING.
There is a reason for the timeless ancient wisdom verse, “Ask and you shall receive.” It’s the natural law of reciprocity and attraction at work. Practice and strengthen your law of attraction and reciprocity by being willing to ask, and let your ‘worthiness to receive’ step forward for you as we embark on a whole new time ahead in 2020. It’s your year to receive your worthy dreams.
Let it shine ~


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You are invited to join inside Remarkable Souls on 1-1-2020 at 11:11 am PST / 2:11 pm EST for LIVE Call on Writing Your Worthiness Manifesto Plan for launching all your goals and dreams for 2020. Start this week with all access for January and the perfect guided processes and journal prompts to dream up and map your best 2020 year. Inspiring Dreams Alive is the theme for Remarkable Souls.

Immediate Access for Goal/Dream Mapping.
> 4 Weeks of Soul Manifesting (4 Week Dream/Goal Mapping System) to launch your January resolutions for manifesting inside your Soul Inspired direction of what is important to you. (It is the exact system I used to launch my Monday Mantra Cards from an idea to reality within 60 days.) Imagine using this system to start 2020 with your dreams/goals aligned to shine.
> Nourishing Worthiness (journal prompts and meditations to create your manifesto) I believe worthiness is the fundamental core connection that unlocks a thriving life.
> 21 Day Prosperity Pathway to create new neuro pathways and re-calibrate from scarcity/lack programming to consistent momentum of your true prosperous spirit which is PROSPERITY (Pro-the-Spirit of You). Get inside the abundance that is you.
Hope to see you as a soul member on 1-1-2020 @ 11:11 PST. www.soulmember.com #divinepairing #manifestingmatching #dreamalive2020