Love Leads Me, Blessings Follow Me Declare your day with the highest energy possible—love. When love leads the way, blessings naturally follow. Today, make the conscious choice to let love guide you in all situations—conversations, decisions, and actions. Notice how...
January New Moon New Year 2025 Insider
The first New Moon of 2025 is unlike any other. 7 Easy Steps for Your New Moon Ritual >> Here’s a 7-Step Guide to Your New Moon Ritual. Aligning with the Lunar New Year, this New Moon doesn’t just mark the start of a cycle—it initiates an entirely new energetic...
November December New Moon 2024 Insider
NEW MOON - NEW MONTH ~ December 1st 🌑✨ ushers in a deeply reflective and transformative energy as we approach the final stretch of 2024. This New Moon offers a powerful opportunity to evaluate, align, and activate intentions that will carry you into the next chapter....
November Super Full Moon 2024 Insider
November Full Super Moon is the final Super Moon of 2024, sending us out with massive, magnified energy to release what no longer serves and welcome what’s ready to emerge. This Super Moon invites us to honor what we value and manifest tangible outcomes aligned with...
Mercury Retrograde July 2019
How to ride the current energy waves with Mercury Retrograde till the end of the month. If you have been following my work for some time you know how I emphasis that Mercury Retrograde time isn’t something to fear or something get disheveled and out of sorts with.
What’s Your Growing Edge?
“This is part of your growing edge”, she said. The words casually passed from a beloved friend to me for comfort and encouragement as I was navigating a new, life-stretching situation. The words began looping in mind like a song lyric on repeat. More and more, I found myself taking in the words with an affirming yes. “This is part of my growing edge.” I haven’t stopped reflecting on that statement since that day. And even better, I can see it everywhere bubbling to the surface.
This growing edge doesn’t belong only to “them”, “him” and “her”. It belongs to all of us in some capacity in our own way. Now more than ever, each of us, are being invited to look deeper into the thresholds we need to cross individually and collectively. The powerful gift the growing edge offers is a shift of
Before After The Magical Messy Middle
A picture is worth a 1000 words. It’s true. The classic storyline of the “before and after”. The brain processes imagery at an exceptional speed.
Audacity to be Authentic
“Have the audacity to be authentic.” This statement feels bold, something brave people say. Or it’s an option we use when the time is right.
Take Your Next Best Step
Doesn’t matter what problem you face right now. It doesn’t matter how big the mountain you need to climb. It doesn’t matter if it is a small little thing. All your best possibilties will open up to you if you are willing to do the one small act that changes everything, which is to take your next best step!
Want to lose weight? Just take your next best step! Want financial success? Guess what? Take your next best step. Want soulmate love? Walk towards it, take your next best step. Want to get more connected to your dreams? Take your next best step. Get powerful insight to take your next best step with this show
Claim Your Virtual Spiritual Retreat
If want to shift into a deeper trust in your life, dream big, release deeply held karmic debts that have been holding you back, make a paradigm shift from fear to trust, and harness your magnetizing mantra that speaks to your soul, I encourage you to join the journey of Creating Your Soul Stamina Plan.