MONDAY MANTRA: I welcome… the golden warm miracle ready for me.
Monday Mantra
Energy Presence Mantra
MONDAY MANTRA: I am the energy, I bring. I bring…PRESENCE. There is no greater way to start your day, your week… this moment than to be fully showing up with your presence. Bookend your moments by silently repeating… I am the energy, I bring. I bring… Presence.
Use this mantra as a powerful start when you are transitioning from activity to a new one, whether with someone or in the act of doing something.
Such a powerful reminder to show up with the active presence of the energy you are desiring to create.
Make your day magical.
Namaste, Anne #MondayMantra
Divine Synchronicity Mantra
I want you to think of three important aspects of your life that needs more answers… actions… or clarity to come forth. Call on the DIVINE synchronicity to show up for you.
Live into what is needed with ease and grace by asking for the DIVINE synchronicity to step forward. Take comfort in this “knowing” that something very specific for what is right for you at this right time is sliding into place.
Write down your three important areas sometime today… and then let your week unfold with a free flow for the right one to step forward first. Simply repeat the “DIVINE synchronicity” when the mind wants to attach to immediate answers. A DIVINE movement of synchronistic events will step toward you as you liberate your intentions!
Everything is Within Reach Mantra
Everything is within REACH!
You can dissolve barriers of withholding and separation by stating this mantra. Any area of your life that feels far away, bring it in closer.
Simply stating…. Everything is within reach… will call forth divinely inspired possibilities to meet you and reach you. Don’t be afraid to ask for it, call to it, speak with it and be in it. Whenever you find your mind whirling. Affirm the mantra message… Everything is within reach!
You will find yourself divinely connecting to something you need right now… and also something in the beyond because everything is WITHIN reach!
Soul Light Mantra
Today, I am SOUL LIGHT! Chant it. Breathe it. Repeat it. Be it. Live with soul posture. Be soul light as many ways as you can throughout today and watch miracles unfold. You are soul light. Be soul light. Namaste, Anne Be Soul Light Mantra by Anne Ribley...
Nurture Prosperous Mantra
My nurturing nature makes all I touch prosperous!
It’s your nature to nurture… and all that is nurtured is powerfully and naturally aligned to thrive with prosperity. Touch your money stating this mantra, hold this intentional space with all interactions, invite body healing, boost your confidence and transmit transforming energy of good. Live in the thriving grace with your nurturing nature.
Feel the nurturing nature all around you and coming through you. Transform prosperity into being with your life’s touch.
Infinite Wisdom Mantra
MONDAY MANTRA: The infinite wisdom lights my path with certainty of direction. I move forward with ease, grace and inner knowing.
As you move through your week if you find yourself needing to make a decision… pause long enough to take a few deep breaths, repeat the mantra… The infinite wisdom lights my path with certainty of direction. Let the infinite wisdom ignite your path with inner knowing to guide your decision and direction to move with ease and grace.
Give yourself permission to trust your connection to the infinite wisdom that is ready to guide you with an inner certainty.
Often it’s feeding the dramas, the distractions, the complaining discussions that creates the hardships of constriction on the path or with a decision. Doesn’t matter whether it is mild, moderate or a full-blown block of stuckness in your path today.
Let your inner knowing comfort you with forward movement that leads to ease and grace. Let the infinite wisdom light your path with certainty of direction.
You are worth the ease and grace. You got this.
Favorable Outcomes Mantra
MONDAY MANTRA: I am in the light of favorable outcomes!
Find as many opportunities today and the rest of the week to repeat the mantra of FAVORABLE OUTCOMES!
Connecting to the deeper trust of life’s flow reduces the noise of fear and brings to light the natural good that inspires favorable outcomes. May your day and week be filled with the light of favorable outcomes! Breath. Smile. And receive.
I am calling the POWER forth Mantra
MANTRA: I am calling the POWER forth… from wherever it is… I am open to receive what I need now!
Claim what you need. Relationship love, health restoration, healing, opportunity, money, answers, strength, support,… connection.
Whatever it is you need… Call it forth. Power up this simple mantra to attract the faith and trust in what you need to move toward you.
Allow it from wherever it is to come to you.
I am at Peace Mantra
Mantra: Today, I declare peace! I am at peace. Peace surrounds me. I am peace. There shall be peace.
Give yourself the gift of instant peace! This mantra is miraculous and I have called upon many times because of how powerfully instant, it works. Declare it in your mind and feel how powerful this mantra is in shaping a shift towards peace, immediately. Repeat anytime you feel conflict whether in thought or a situation. May peace be with you!
Serenity of Safety Mantra
MONDAY MANTRA: I am in the “Serenity of Safety” as I expand into my unknowns.
Big or small unknowns… making the phone, meeting the person, waiting for the answer… the many multitudes. Unknowns track with life.
Let this powerful mantra of protection help you stand strong… Say it 3 times in your mind right now and you will feel a calm grace wash over you… I am in the “Serenity of Safety”…
My PROSPERITY expands with my natural flow of ease & grace
Create a calm centered connection and naturally unlock constriction and open prosperous channels to conspire for you by repeating this mantra at least three times immediately.
By becoming the bringer of your natural ease & grace in every area of life creates the vibrational match for prosperity expansion.
This week anytime you feel construction in your body, mind, interaction or with a situation… remind yourself the messaging mantra of your natural ease and grace flow for prosperity expansion.